pr3154 haematology & musculoskeletal

This class was created by Brainscape user Allison Seet. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Haematology - Anatomy
What is the ph of blood,
What type of tissue is blood,
What is the t of blood
6  cards
Haematology - Physiology
What regulates erythropoiesis,
Where does erythropoiesis take place,
Describe the process of erythropo...
5  cards
Haematology - Pharmacology
What are the classes of drugs in ...,
What are the common antiplatelets,
What are the common anticoagulants
66  cards
Haematology - DVT/PE
What is the first step when dvt p...,
How do we proceed if wells score ...,
What are the choices for anticoag...
20  cards
Haematology - SPAF
Describe the pathophysiology of s...,
What is the first thing to determ...,
What are the goals of spaf
19  cards
Haematology - ACS/CCS/AIS/TIA
If acs suspected what is the regimen,
What is the indication for dapt,
Why do we have drug eluting stents
14  cards
Haematology - Anaemia & Blood dyscrasias
How do we first work up a pt w su...,
If patient presents with microcyt...,
30  cards
Musculoskeletal - Anatomy
What does the skeletal system con...,
What are the types of bones by shape,
What are the fns of bones
20  cards
Muskuloskeletal - Gout
Describe gout,
What is the drug related aetiolog...,
What is the pathophysiology of gout
30  cards
Muskuloskeletal - Osteoporosis
What is the pathophysiology of os...,
What is the aetiology of osteopor...,
Describe the drug induced aetiolo...
39  cards
Muskuloskeletal - Rheumatoid arthritis
Describe the pathophysiology of r...,
What is rheumatoid arthritis,
What are the risk factors of rheu...
26  cards
Muskuloskeletal - Osteoarthritis
What is the aetiology of oa,
What is the pathophysiology of oa,
What are the stages of oa pathoph...
5  cards

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pr3154 haematology & musculoskeletal

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