This class was created by Brainscape user Joshua Ng. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

IC1 Musculoskeletal Anatomy
1  cards
IC1 Blood Anatomy
What is the composition of blood,
What is the composition of plasma,
What are the characteristics of r...
17  cards
IC2 RBC, platelets & haemostasis
Facts about blood ph of blood of ...,
What type of tissue is blood,
What is plasma is made up of incl...
32  cards
IC3 Anticoagulants, Antiplatelet, Fibrinolytics, Blood disorders
What are the 4 stages of clotting,
What are the general moa of antip...,
What are the 4 main antiplatelets...
36  cards
IC4 Management of VTE
What is deep vein thrombosis dvt,
What is pulmonary embolism pe,
What is venous thromboembolism vte
37  cards
IC5 Selection of Anticoagulants for SPAF
How does af lead to a stroke,
Which is more effective for spaf ...,
List out cha2ds va and what it is...
34  cards
What does acute coronary syndrome...,
What does chronic coronary syndro...,
What is the most common trigger o...
37  cards
IC7 Anaemia & drug induced haematologic disorder
What are the 3 pathways that can ...,
What are the most common causes o...,
Chronic conditions can cause anae...
31  cards
IC8 Structural modifications in SAR
What are the 9 different types of...,
What is homologation,
How does homologation affect a se...
18  cards
IC9 Molecular drug targets & therapeutic actions
1  cards
IC10 MSK inflammation
What are the 2 functions of the s...,
What are the 2 types of bone marr...,
What is a tendon
18  cards
IC11 Natural product derived drugs for Pain Management
For better studying of this ic it...,
What class of drug does cocaine b...,
What is the moa of cocaine
12  cards
IC12 Quality Assurance & Pharmacopeial Assays
What are the 5 components of good...,
What is the international organis...,
What are the 4 tests that ich hel...
12  cards
IC13 Analgesics & drugs for gout, rheumatoid arthritis & osteoarthritis
What are some examples of non sel...,
What are some examples of selecti...,
What is an example of cns selecti...
69  cards
IC14 Drugs for Osteoporosis
What are the 3 ways to treat oste...,
What are examples of lifestyle an...,
What are some examples of antires...
27  cards
IC15 Management of soft tissue injuries
What are the 2 types of joint pain,
A type of non articular pain is p...,
What are the characteristics of s...
35  cards
IC16 Management of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
What is osteoarthritis oa,
What are the risk factors of oa,
What is the pathophysiology of oa
41  cards
IC17 Management of Gout
What is gout,
What causes gout,
What are the 5 risk factors of gout
30  cards
IC18 Management of osteoporosis
What is osteoporosis,
What are the 2 ways that can caus...,
What are possible primary causes ...
5  cards

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Decks: Antiplatelets Anticoagulants Fibrinolyti, Nsaids, Drugs For Arthritic Disorders, And more!
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