This class was created by Brainscape user Angel Thornsbury. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

Chapter 1 Vocab
A form of government in which tho...,
The recognized right of officials...,
The idea that there are lawful li...
27  cards
Chapter 1 Notes
The systematic study of governmen...,
What are the basis of our nationa...,
Widely shared and deep seated bel...
50  cards
Chapter 4 Vocab
The first ten amendments to the c...,
The fundamental individual rights...,
A test devised by the supreme cou...
29  cards
Chapter 4 Notes
Believed in the states rights to ...,
Believed in the protection of ind...,
Constitution specifically prohibi...
74  cards
Chapter 5 Vocab
Refers to programs designed to en...,
The right of every person to equa...,
Discrimination on the basis of ra...
10  cards
Chapter 5 Notes
This forbids states from denying ...,
What did the browns v board of ed...,
The supreme court encouraged what...
90  cards
1 p 2 which of the following char...,
2 p 3 john stuart mill believed t...,
3 p 3 based on his conception of ...
308  cards
Pt 2: Chapter 14 Vocab
A separate opinion written by a s...,
A vote of the supreme court in a ...,
The opinion of a justice in a sup...
17  cards
Chapter 2 Vocab
A term used to describe opponents...,
The first ten amendments to the c...,
The elaborate system of divided s...
31  cards
Chapter 2 Notes
A useful starting point for the s...,
Key points of french and indian war,
The french and indian war led to ...
79  cards
Chapter 3 Vocab
Federal grants in aid that permit...,
Federal grants in aid to states a...,
The authority granted congress in...
18  cards
Chapter 3 Notes
Three types of systems that appor...,
National government is sovereign,
States are sovereign
80  cards
Pt 2: Chapter 11 Notes
What is the federal governments t...,
The expenditures for the legislat...,
The expenditures for the executiv...
76  cards
Pt 2: Chapter 11 Vocab
A legislature that has two chambe...,
A proposed law within congress or...,
A parliamentary maneuver that if ...
37  cards
Pt 2: Chapter 13 Notes
What does exop stand for,
What is the current size of the exop,
Where does the exop work
33  cards
Pt 2: Chapter 12 Notes
Where in the constitution was pre...,
Presidency was limited or restrai...,
Strong assertive presidential rol...
58  cards
Pt 2: Chapter 12 Vocab
Voters may only select candidates...,
Anyone is allowed to vote for can...,
Voters registered to a party may ...
21  cards
Pt 2: Chapter 13 Vocab
An official who presides at a tri...,
The tendency of bureaucrats to pl...,
The process through which annual ...
22  cards
Pt 2: Chapter 14 Notes
Precedent facts and application s...,
Facts application same facts same...,
Our system is built on the side o...
56  cards
1 p 328 the framers of the consti...,
2 p 329 in the nations first cent...,
3 p 329 the modern congress is di...
250  cards
Pt 3: Chapter 6 Notes
What is the traditional method of...,
What is the primary method of mea...,
Estimation of populations views
24  cards
Pt 3: Chapter 7 Notes
How is the us voter turnout compa...,
Registration requirements were hi...,
Registration reqs are determined ...
32  cards
Pt 3: Chapter 8 Notes
What were the first 2 parties,
Republicans transformed into,
With andrew jackson and grassroot...
36  cards
Pt 3: Chapter 9 Notes
Any organization that seeks to in...,
How does an interest group differ...,
A party is just a larger set of what
49  cards
Pt 3: Chapter 10 Notes
What was the early partisan press...,
The objective journalism era was ...,
What were included with the fcc a...
36  cards
Pt 3: Chapter 15 Notes
Does the government have a role i...,
What is the governments relations...,
How is efficiency achieved throug...
32  cards
Pt 3: Chapter 16 Notes
Annual cost of a thrifty food bud...,
What was the poverty line in 2014,
Who generally fall beneath the po...
30  cards
Pt 3: Chapter 6 Vocab
Those agents such as the family a...,
Those who believe government powe...,
Those who believe its not the gov...
15  cards
Pt 3: Chapter 7 Vocab
A feeling of personal powerlessne...,
A feeling of personal disinterest...,
The belief of an individual that ...
9  cards
Pt 3: Chapter 8 Vocab
Election campaigns and other poli...,
The tendency of white women and m...,
A political party organized at th...
21  cards
Pt 3: Chapter 9 Vocab
Organized interests formed by ind...,
Benefits that are offered by grou...,
Interest groups that are organize...
13  cards
Pt 3: Chapter 10 Vocab
The power of the media through ne...,
The medias function as an open ch...,
The process by which the media pl...
11  cards
Pt 3: Chapter 15 Vocab
The situation in which the govern...,
The situation in which the govern...,
The tax that individuals pay on m...
19  cards
Pt 3: Chapter 16 Vocab
Any number of individual benefit ...,
The idea that all individuals sho...,
A government benefit that is a ca...
7  cards
Pt 3: Chapter 17 Vocab
A power structure dominated by tw...,
The lengthy period after ww ii wh...,
A doctrine developed after ww ii ...
16  cards
FINAL Exam Study Guide (shortened)
6 party identification refers to ...,
9 currently the greatest percenta...,
15 which of the following ideolog...
60  cards

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poly sci 201

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