politics: uk government

This class was created by Brainscape user grace o’sullivan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

1.1 the nature and sources of the UK Constitution
Where was power concentrated in t...,
What was parliament made up of in...,
What is the rule of law
38  cards
1.2 how the constitution has changed since 1997
Why was there pressure to reform ...,
Why was there pressure for change...,
What were the five major areas of...
19  cards
1.3 the role and powers of devolved bodies in the UK
What two new institutions were es...,
Who was the first mayor of london,
What did ken livingstone introduc...
32  cards
1.4 debates on further reform
What are the positives of devolution,
What are criticisms of devolution,
What are some positives of electo...
13  cards
2.1 the structure and role of the house of commons and house of lords
How are members of the hoc chosen,
What was the number of candidates...,
How did theresa may call an early...
39  cards
2.2 the comparative powers of the house of commons and house of lords
What area does the commons have e...,
Where is the chancellor of the ex...,
What is confidence and supply
25  cards
2.3 the legislative process
What legislative bill,
What is an act of parliament,
What is a government bill public ...
18  cards
2.4 the ways in which parliament interacts with the executive
What is parliamentary privilege,
How has the creation of the backb...,
What percentage of divisions did ...
40  cards
3.1 the structure, role, and powers of the executive
What is the executive,
What is the cabinet,
What is a minister
25  cards
3.2 the concept of ministerial responsibility
1  cards

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politics: uk government

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