politics and law

This class was created by Brainscape user Naveen Thiruvelan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

What is sovernity,
What is government,
What are the two houses in austra...
7  cards
22  cards
rule of law
Law should be known clear consist...,
Freedom and equality before the l...,
Methods of upholding the law
7  cards
What is abosulte monarchy,
What is a constitutional monarchy,
What is a constitution
11  cards
What is federalism,
The three types of relationships ...,
What is coercive federalisim
11  cards
The judiciary,
What is the adversial system,
Key roles of the court
6  cards
Responsible Parliamentary Government
9  cards
Weshminister system influence
Bi camaeralism influence from wes...,
What is the house of commons,
Why is the lower house almost exa...
4  cards
westminister executive
Formal constitutional executive,
Real or political executive
4  cards
common law
First dating of the common law
2  cards
Canada inluence,
Swiss democracy and referenda wer...
2  cards
Steps to federalisim,
Federalisim is whensove
2  cards
Responsible Parliamentary Government pt 2
Question time,
Individual ministery,
Cabinet ministry responsibility
3  cards
statutory law
What is statutory law,
What is implementing policy purpose
10  cards
law making-role
Why do we need laws,
What are rules,
What are laws
16  cards
law making-role (zeehab)
What are rules,
What are laws,
Why do we need laws
16  cards
statutory law (zeehab)
What is statue law,
Sources of authority for statue law,
Constitutional authority for stat...
12  cards
Parliamentary Sovereignty(zeehab)
Parliamentary sovereignty
1  cards
delegated legislation
2  cards
What is a court,
Original jurisidiction,
Criminal law is
14  cards
What is negligence,
What is tort,
What is defamation
5  cards

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politics and law

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