This class was created by Brainscape user Neil Jimenez. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

The Anti-Tax Movement
What was the name of the act bush...,
Was the economic growth and tax r...,
What can the president and senate...
16  cards
What important legislation was pa...,
How did time magazine support the...,
How many klu klux klan members we...
3  cards
Chinese Cultural Revolution
How long was the chinese cultural...,
What was the chinese cultural rev...,
How has the chinese government di...
39  cards
Political Sources of Populism: YaleCourses Lecture 22
In britain what is a classical ex...,
What are the four theoretically c...,
What is a good question to ask wh...
26  cards
Modern Developments and conditions in Israel
Applying theory to an analysis of Israel
7  cards
Iran Nuclear Deal
What is the iran nuclear deal,
What are the main limitations on ...,
What other name is the iran nucle...
5  cards
NATO-Modern composition
Who is nato secretary general,
What is article 5 of the alliance...
2  cards
Putin's People By Catherine Belton
How did the kremlin begin to lear...,
How did the kremlin use its knowl...,
Why was sergei pugachev being pro...
78  cards
Crisis, Crash, and Response (YALE COURSES)
What was the tarp bailout,
What was one factor that led to t...,
Who first proposed tarp
30  cards
Breaking the impasse what is it,
Was breaking the impasse a succes...,
How far back does the bds go
19  cards
What is redlining put most simply,
What is reverse redlining,
Who coined the term redlining
23  cards
Environmentalism-Antiquities Act
What is the antiquities act,
What is so special about the anti...,
When was the antquities act created
9  cards
China National Security Act
Give a quick summary bitch boy
1  cards
Where did the internationally ren...,
What are the three key elements t...,
What is the rome statute legal de...
27  cards
20th Century Iraq
Who is nuri pasha al said,
Was nuri al said a nationalist,
What was the anglo iraqi treaty o...
8  cards
Modern China
What is china s current military ...,
Between 2012 and 2017 what caused...,
When did china begin to show its ...
22  cards
Voting Rights 2
What percentage of us spending is...,
What is one cause for the supply ...,
In south carolina what is a form ...
7  cards
Voting Rights U.S
0  cards
Voting Rights U.S
As of oct 20th how many states ha...,
On oct 2021 what was for the thir...,
What are the ideas circulating ar...
41  cards
Climate Ghange
In oct 2021 what has been reveale...,
What will be a contentious issue ...,
How much of an increase in fossil...
21  cards
What percentage of us spending is...,
When the treasury sells bonds wha...,
Oct 27 2021 what is the latest bi...
9  cards
What did israeli bombing of the o...,
What did israeli civil rights att...,
What did the bush do post 9 11 in...
16  cards
The Donald
What is the name of trump s new s...,
What program is tmtg running on a...
2  cards
North Korea
As of october 2021 what has pyong...
1  cards
Modern Russia
On october 23rd 2021 how many dea...,
How much of russia s population h...
2  cards
What federal law will the fdoe be...
1  cards
US uncategorized
How many people died of overdose ...,
Every 7 minutes how many people d...
2  cards

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political science

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