This class was created by Brainscape user Iris Wiesenekker. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

chapter 4+5 (reading 2 week 1)
How has european integration adva...,
Treaty development,
Dev of policy processes
17  cards
chapter 9 - european commission
Hybrid character,
The college of commissioners,
The appointment of jean claude ju...
16  cards
chapter 10 - the council of the EU
Other names council of the europe...,
Responsibilities and functions co...,
Functions resp council acc to the...
19  cards
chapter 11 - the European Council
The european council,
Origins and development european ...,
Membership european council
12  cards
chapter 12 - EP
Ep elections,
Powers and influence ep,
Ways for ep to influence nature c...
28  cards
chapter 18+19 decisionmaking
Eu policy actors,
Emu major policy actors,
Eu policy channels vary in
32  cards
chapter 22 - external policies
4 main aspects to eu s external r...,
Trade and trade dominated agreements
24  cards
chapter 24 and 25 - conceptualising and theorising
Difficulties in conceptualising t...,
Sui generis,
30  cards
class 1 - intro
What is the eu,
Why study the eu,
Three levels of politics
3  cards
lecture 2 - a history of EU integration
Why should we even study history,
What is the eu,
Early ideas about european integr...
30  cards
lecture 3 and 4 - the European Commision
Art 2 treaty of the european unio...,
Institutions different views,
Political system of the eu
17  cards
lecture 5 - the Council
The council,
What does the council do,
Hierarchy within the council
12  cards
lecture 6 - The European Council
The european couo,
Functions euco,
Who takes the seat
9  cards
lecture 7 - EP
Structure ep,
Contribution to cfsp csdp and eu,
Parliamentary functions
12  cards
lecture 8 - decisionmaking
Eu as quasi federal state,
What kind of decisions,
Eu competences
15  cards
lecture 9 and 10 - EU foreign policy
Eus response to russia s aggressi...,
Europe is a geopolitical dwarf,
Eu external relations vs eu forei...
32  cards
lecture 11 - theories and European integration
Theory definition,
Grand theory vs meso mid range th...,
Why do european states integrate ...
13  cards

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