poetry anthology

This class was created by Brainscape user emme halliwell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

How wrote valentine,
Why is it written in free verse,
C where is she from
9  cards
she walks in beauty*
Who wrote she walks in beauty,
What does the rhyme scheme represent,
C what did he believe
9  cards
sonnet 43*
Who wrote sonnet 43,
What does the anaphora show,
C was elizabeth well
9  cards
cozy apologia*
Who wrote cozy apologia,
What does the break down of rhyme...,
C who did she write to
9  cards
the solider
Who wrote the solider,
What form is this poem,
C what type of poet was he
9  cards
dulce et decorum est*
Who wrote dulce et decorum est,
What does the structure of the po...,
C what were these experiences
9  cards
mametz wood
Who wrote mametz wood,
What do the regular 3 line stanza...,
C where is sheers from
9  cards
the manhunt*
Who wrote the manhunt,
What does the unrhymed couplets show,
C who was this written about
9  cards
a wife in london*
Who wrote a wife in london,
What does the two parts show us,
C what war was this about
9  cards
death of a naturalist
Who wrote death of a naturalist,
What does the iambic pentameter show,
C what is seamus known as
9  cards
living space*
Who wrote living space,
What does the irregular structure...,
C where is living space based
9  cards
hawk roosting*
Who wrote hawk roosting,
What does the regular form show,
C what is the main theme
9  cards
the prelude
Who wrote the prelude,
What does the start and the end o...,
C what type of poem is the prelude
9  cards
Who wrote london,
What does the strict abab rhyme s...,
C how does it link to french revo...
9  cards
as imperceptibly as grief*
Who wrote as imperceptibly as grief,
What does the 1 long stanza repre...,
C did she have visitors
9  cards
to autumn
Who wrote,
What type of poem is this,
C what inspired the poem
9  cards
Who wrote afternoons,
What does the regular structure show,
C what was larkin interested in
9  cards
Who wrote ozymandias,
What does the traditional use of ...,
C why was shelley expelled from o...
9  cards

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poetry anthology

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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