This class was created by Brainscape user Awa Diallo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Lecture 2 Mechanisms of Mendelian genetics
Role of melanin
20  cards
Lecture 3 Non Mendelian Genetics
Incomplete dominance ex four o cl...,
Codominance ex human mn blood group,
Multiple alleles
17  cards
Lecture 4 Linked genes and sex determination
Chromosome theory of inheritance,
Sex linked characteristics genes ...,
Morgan hunt s experiments
21  cards
Lecture 5 Genes and chromosome alterations
Genetic recombination and linkage,
A studying chromosomes,
Four types of chromosomes based o...
27  cards
Lecture 6 Virus
Key concepts,
A glimpse of history in tobacco,
Viruses obligate intracellular pa...
37  cards
Lecture 7 Prokaryotes (Bacteria)
Key concepts,
What characteristics enable proka...,
The prokaryotic cell
57  cards
Lecture 8/9 Evolution of Species, genes, and genomes Natural Selection
Comparing sequences and genomes,
A evolution of genes key concepts,
39  cards
Lecture 10 Evolutions of populations
Misconception about evolution,
What was the experiment that show...,
31  cards
Lecture 11 Origin of Species (speciation)
How do new species originate from...,
How do species attain and maintai...,
39  cards
Lecture 12 History of Life on Earth
How has life on earth changed ove...,
How has life on earth changed ove...,
What is macroevolution
36  cards
Lecture 13 Phylogeny:principles
53  cards
Lecture 14 Animal Kingdom
Different domains,
Three domains,
Key characteristics of eukaryotes
55  cards
Lecture 15 Botany & Mycology: plant and fungal diversity
Plant diversity,
1 land plants and terrestrial life,
A origin of land plants green algae
27  cards
Lecture 16 Introduction to Ecology
What is ecology,
What do ecologists study,
How do we study ecology
31  cards
Lecture 17 Dynamics of Ecosystem
Energy flow,
Nutrient cycling law of conservat...,
Biogeochemical cycles
22  cards
Lecture 18 Patterns of Biodiversity
What is biodiversity,
Quantifying biodiversity,
Quantifying biodiversity alpha di...
25  cards
Lecture 19
Why are organisms where they are,
Ranges distributions,
Ranges distributions
29  cards
Lecture 20 Population Growth and Demography
Population ecology,
Population dispersion
19  cards
Lecture 21 Population Growth & Regulation
Population growth,
Exponential growth,
Human population growth
16  cards
Lecture 22 Movement & Dispersal
Population dynamics,
Population dynamics predator prey,
Lynx and hare
20  cards
Lecture 23 Community Assembly
Community structure,
Interspecific interactions,
Species interactions competition
22  cards
Lecture 24 Evolutionary Ecology
Eco evolutionary relationships,
Coevolution predators and prey
15  cards
Lecture 25 Human Impacts on Organisms
Human impacts on the environment,
Threats to biodiversity,
Land use change habitat loss
33  cards
Lecture 26 Global Anthropogenic Impacts
Threats to biodiversity,
Pollution chemical
28  cards
Lecture 27 Conservation Biology
Conservation strategies,
Biodiversity and human welfare
16  cards

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pob 2

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