This class was created by Brainscape user Bruno Rocha. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Chapter 305 - Approach to the Patient with Disease of the Respiratory System
The diseases of the respiratory s...,
What are the cardinal symptoms of...,
Patients might describe dyspnea d...
25  cards
Chapter 306e - Disturbances of Respiratory Function
How thin is the membrane between ...,
What is the area estimated for th...,
The respiratory muscles should be...
27  cards
Chapter 307 - Diagnostic Procedures in Respiratory Disease
What is the best view on roentgra...,
Name the different applications o...,
What are the three mechanisms tha...
31  cards
Chapter 308e - Atlas of Chest Imaging
What do you expect to find in a c...,
What might be the radiographic fi...,
Cavitaded abcesses might occur in...
9  cards
Chapter 318 - Disorders of Ventilation
What is the normal interval for a...,
Describe the equation that repres...,
How can one calculate va fresh ga...
32  cards
Chapter 49 - Hypoxia and Cyanosis
Explain the pasteur effect when a...,
Name a mechanism responsible for ...,
How might a cell adapt to hypoxia
30  cards
Chapter 316 - Disorders of the Pleura
How is the pleura fluid formed an...,
How does one dianosis imagiologic...,
Transudative pleural effusions ar...
34  cards
Chapter 317 - Disorders of the Mediastinum
What is contained in the anterior...,
What is contained in the middle m...,
What is contained in the posterio...
17  cards
Chapter 312 - Bronchiectasis
Bronchiectasis might occur in non...,
Bronchiectasias are always an irr...,
How can you classify bronchiectas...
41  cards
Chapter 313 - Cystic Fibrosis
What is the gene product responsi...,
In general terms how do you expla...,
How would you describe pathophisi...
23  cards
Chapter 321 - Approach to the Patient with Critical Illness
Critical care physicians often mu...,
Severity of illness scoring syste...,
Name the main usefulness of sever...
72  cards
Chapter 47 - Dyspnea
Define dyspnea american thoracic ...,
Dyspnea is a symptom but might al...,
Summarize the mechanisms involved...
38  cards
Chapter 319 - Sleep Apnea
Which type of sleep apnea is more...,
Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea ...,
What are the criteria for obstruc...
49  cards
Chapter 48 - Cough and Hemoptysis
Exemplify how cough can be percei...,
How is it that capsaicin is relat...,
Summarize the afferent pathways t...
45  cards
Chapter 154 - Lung Abcess
Lung abcesses can be single or mu...,
How can one classify lung abcesse...,
Which patients are more commonly ...
34  cards

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