This class was created by Brainscape user Izzy Evans. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

1.A- What's in a place?
What is a space,
What is a place,
What characteristics shape a place
9  cards
1.A- Stokes Croft place profile
What are the characteristics of s...,
What is the main problem in stoke...,
What is gentrification
20  cards
1.A- Lansdown place profile
What shapes lansdown s place profile,
How does physical geography shape...,
How does built environment shape ...
11  cards
2.A- How do we understand place?
What is a place s meaning,
What is a place s identity,
What is a place
28  cards
2.B- informal vs formal representation
What are examples of formal data,
What is formal data,
What are examples of informal data
9  cards
3.A- social inequality
How are quality of housing and we...,
How are quality of housing and in...,
How are income and education linked
52  cards
3.B- global and structural economic change
What is globalisation,
What are the most relevant flows ...,
What is the global shift
60  cards
3.C- social inequality impacts people and places in different ways
How does lansdown s housing show ...,
How does stoke croft s housing sh...,
How does lansdown s environmental...
19  cards
4.A - the players that influence economic change DETROIT
How do tncs drive structural econ...,
How do govts drive structural eco...,
How do community groups drive str...
43  cards
5.A - how are places created through "PLACEMAKING"?
Why have some urban areas decline...,
Who is usually involved in placem...,
What is placemaking
25  cards
5.B - rebranding strategies
What is rebranding,
What is reimaging,
What is a place s brand
26  cards
5.C - CASE STUDY of a place that has undergone rebranding
Why did barcelona need to rebrand,
What have the government done in ...,
What have businesses done in barc...
19  cards

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