physiology of cells and systems

This class was created by Brainscape user Elizabeth Adeyoluwa. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

L1 - Intro to Ion Channels
What do gated ion channels have,
Conductive channel,
Non conductive channel
28  cards
L2 - Bioelectricity - Setting membrane potentials
What determines membrane potential,
How is intracellular sodium conce...,
What is the nerst potential defin...
8  cards
L3 - Cell Homeostasis - Na & Ca
What is the function of the thick...,
What is n the basolateral membran...,
What is on the apical membrane of...
15  cards
L4 - Control of Intracellular pH
What scale is ph,
What are acid extruders,
What are acid loaders
10  cards
L5 - Respiration I - Airflow
What are the 3 types of airflow,
What is laminar flow,
How is flow type determined
10  cards
L5 - Respiration II - Ventilation & Perfusion
What is ventilation,
What is alveolar ventilation,
What is anatomical deadspace
17  cards
L6 - Respiration III - Control of Airway Smooth Muscle
Contraction of smooth muscle,
What receptors are linked to cont...,
What receptors are linked to rela...
24  cards
L7 - Acid Base Balance pt 1- Intro to buffers.
Why is ph regulated,
What type of sclae is ph measured on,
At what ph do most body fluids sit
8  cards
L8 - Acid Base Balance - Pt 2 - Chemoreceptors & the Lungs
What 3 things control the blood g...,
How is the blood gas compositon m...,
What 3 conditions increase ventil...
18  cards
L9 - Acid Base Balance Pt3 - The Renal System
What do renal mechanisms allow for,
What are the 3 renal mechanisms,
Proximal cell model apical membrane
7  cards
L10 - Acid Base Balance Pt4 - Acid/Base Disorders
What is respiratory acidosis,
What is respiratory acidosis char...,
What is respiratory alkalosis
6  cards
L11&12 - Respiratory Channelopathies 1
What is cystic fibrosis,
What are some inpacted areas in c...,
What is cftr
15  cards
L13 - The Cardiac Cycle
What is the cardiac cycle,
What are the 4 phases of the card...,
What does isovolumetric mean
9  cards
L14 - Myocyte Contraction Coupling
What is the syncytium,
What are gap junctions,
Where does the calcium come from ...
8  cards
L15 - Myocyte Contraction Coupling Pt2
Where is passive tension generated,
What is isometric tension,
What proteins are important in ge...
11  cards
L16 - Heart Electrophysiology
What do intercallated discs in ca...,
What provides the intercalated di...,
What are the 3 cardiac cell types
8  cards
L17 - Cardiac Channelopathies - Long & Short QT syndromes
What does the q t segment of an e...,
How do short q t syndromes affect...,
How do long q t syndromes affect ...
15  cards
L19 - Heart Blocks and Heart Failure
What are heart blocks,
What are partial blocks,
What is a complete block
16  cards
L20 - Regulation of Arterial pressure and Cardiac Output
Where does central comtrol of the...,
What kind of outflow goes to the ...,
How is mean arterial pressure mea...
11  cards
L21- Physiology at Extremes - Hyperbaric Conditions
0  cards
L22 - CNS Channelopathies - Episodic Ataxia
What is episodic ataxia,
What are the general symptoms of ...,
Type 1 episodic ataxia
9  cards

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physiology of cells and systems

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