This class was created by Brainscape user Mia Bovis. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

W1 - Principles of Physiology
Where did natural philosophy arise,
What did natural philosophy try t...,
Which cultures introduced a more ...
21  cards
W2 - Types of Signalling Molecules
Biogenic amines are usually alway...,
Peptides are usually always hydro...,
Steroid are usually always hydrop...
34  cards
W2 - Cell to Cell Signalling
What is trans autophosphorylation,
What happens once a gpcr is activ...,
Where does the gtp alpha go after...
55  cards
W3 - Endocrine Axes (essential reading)
To maintain the internal environm...,
What does the ve feedback loop ai...,
Describe ve feedback loop in term...
37  cards
W3 - Endocrine System (Lecture)
What is the 2016 definition of a hm,
What can be improved about the hm...,
What are the 2 differences betwee...
28  cards
W3 - Hormones + Feedback Loops
Hypo pit thyroid axis is a 3rd or...,
Where are the 3 ve feedback cps i...,
Hypo pit adrenal axis is a 3rd or...
34  cards
W4 - Physiology of Nerve Cells (Lecture)
What is the definition of membran...,
How would you generally measure t...,
What is the general resting membr...
40  cards
W4 - Additional Slides
What is a synapse electrical chem...,
Electrical synapses are very fast...,
How do ntms cross a chemical synapse
12  cards
W5 - Autonomic NS
How does information get from the...,
How does information get from the...,
What are the two divisions of the...
28  cards
W5 - Somatic NS
What does the somatic ns act on,
What are the two parts of the upp...,
Where does the signal go through ...
18  cards
W6 - Sensory Input
Why are the 5 classic senses not ...,
What is the definition of signal ...,
What are the 5 modalities
25  cards
W6 - Central Nervous System
What is found on the postcentral ...,
Glial cells don t have aps or syn...,
Glial cells can hold neurons in p...
17  cards
W8 - Reproductive Systems (lecture)
What are the 2 reasons we need re...,
What are the two main functions o...,
What are the two main groups of r...
29  cards
W10 - Skeletal System (Lecture)
What two cell types do mesenchyma...,
What stem cells form osteoclasts,
What do osteoblasts become
30  cards

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