This class was created by Brainscape user charlotte bell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

physiology basics week 1
Define homeo stasis,
What is steady state exercise,
What factors of the body can chan...
28  cards
week2 energy metabolism
Where does atp resynthesis occur,
Where is the energy stored in atp,
What does atp turn into after pho...
54  cards
week 2 exercise metabolism fuels and lactate
What are the 3 fuels for exercise,
What is the kcal for protein,
What is kcal for cho
47  cards
week 2 neuroendrinology
What is the thyroid hormone,
What are the 2 peptides proteins,
What are the 2 steroids
81  cards
week 3 control of movement and CNS
Function of the nervous system,
What are the 3 divisions of the n...,
What is the sensory division of t...
87  cards
Physiology week3 autonomic system
What nerve is used from brain ste...,
What does the sa node do,
Can the sa node change due to sym...
28  cards
week 4 skeletal muscle
What is the function of skeletal ...,
Muscles are attacheted to bones b...,
What is the epimysium
43  cards
week 5
The circulatory system is what 2 ...,
What does cardresp system do,
What are the 2 adjustments of blo...
30  cards
week 5 cardiac
What do these three tissues compo...,
Damage to the heart muscle caused...,
Blockages result in what
46  cards
week 6
What occurs at capillaries,
What 2 things help blood distribu...,
Why is capillaries good for exchange
43  cards
week 7
0  cards
week 8
Whats the core temp,
Core temp definition,
Ways to check temp thats not oral
47  cards
week 9
67  cards
week 10
0  cards
week 8 immunity
What is innate,
What is adaptive,
2 arts of adaptive immune system
45  cards
week 8 altitude
Exposure of hypoxia causes a redu...,
The disruption of homeostatic and...,
What is hypoxia
37  cards
week 9 anaerobic
What msucle fibres are recruited ...,
What muscle,
Sprint training improves muscle b...
5  cards
week 9 training
What 2 things from diet effect fa...,
What cns functions effects perfor...,
What strength and skill effect pe...
9  cards

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