This class was created by Brainscape user Morgan Faulkner. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Cellular Physiology
What are the four parts of the ce...,
What is an integral protein,
What are peripheral proteins
74  cards
Endocrine Physiology
What are the three stimuli that h...,
What is up regulation in regards ...,
What is down regulation in regard...
34  cards
What is sensory input,
What is integration,
What is motor output
44  cards
Muscle Physiology
What are the muscle characteristics,
What are some muscle functions,
What are characteristics of cardi...
86  cards
What does locomotion have a direc...,
How can changing your gate of mov...,
What is a first class lever
18  cards
Smooth Muscle
What are the three ways smooth mu...,
How can a neurotransmitter stimul...,
How does a hormone stimulate smoo...
12  cards
Organization Of Nervous Systems
What are neurons organized into,
What is the discharge zone,
What is the facilitated zone
52  cards
Cardiac Physiology
What is the pericardium,
What is the myocardium,
What is the endocardium
44  cards
Cardiovascular Physiology
What is the vertebrate circulator...,
What is the tunica intima made of,
What does the tunica media consis...
68  cards
Respiratory Physiology
What is respiration,
What is external respiration,
What is internal respiration
84  cards
What is mechanical digestion,
What is chemical digestion,
What is propulsion in regards to ...
79  cards
Ion And Water Balance
What is osmotic regulation,
What is ionic regulation,
What is nitrogen excretion
94  cards
Thermal Physiology
What does temperature affect,
What must organisms survive within,
How is body temperature controlled
43  cards

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