physics : energy

This class was created by Brainscape user thea shocair. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

energy stores
What are the 9 types of energy,
Why is sound not an energy store,
What is the law of conservation o...
13  cards
kinetic energy
What is the equation of kinetic e...,
What is the equation of mass,
What is the equation of velocity
3  cards
gravitational potential energy
What is the equation of gpe,
What is weight,
What is weight dependent on
5  cards
elastic potential energy
What is the equation of epe,
How does something gain elastic p...
2  cards
specific heat capacity
What is the equation of,
What is specific heat energy,
Putting the same amount of heat i...
3  cards
work done
What is work,
What is the equation of word
2  cards
What is power,
What is the equation for power,
What is another way of saying it
3  cards
energy efficiency
What is efficiency,
What is the equation of efficiency
2  cards
heat transfer and conduction
What is temperature,
What is heat,
Heat is a type of energy that
5  cards
What is convection,
What do molecules do when heated,
Is warm liquids gases less dense
4  cards
What are the factors of losing heat,
Are smaller objects or large obje...,
How to reduce heating costs
8  cards
What is thermal conductivity,
Do insulators have a low or high ...,
What are insulators used for
3  cards
renewable energy sources
What is renewable energy,
What are the types of renewable e...,
What are the advantages to renewa...
4  cards
non renewable energy sources
What are non renewable energy sou...,
What are non renewable energy sou...,
What are its advantages
4  cards

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physics : energy

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