This class was created by Brainscape user lily taylor. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Describing Motion
What is a scalar quantity,
What is a vector quantity,
How can a vector quantity be repr...
18  cards
What is the name given to the sin...,
State newton s first law for a st...,
State newton s first law for a mo...
10  cards
Motion and Safety
How can you measure human reactio...,
Why is it important that the 0cm ...,
What is the stopping distance of ...
11  cards
Energy Transfers
What is the equation for gravity ...,
What is the equation for kinetic ...,
What is meant by the conservation...
15  cards
Using Energy
What is a renewable energy resource,
Give four examples of renewable e...,
Give an example of a non renewabl...
15  cards
Properties of Waves
Complete this sentence waves tran...,
What are the two types of waves,
What is a transverse wave
20  cards
Wave Behaviour
What word is used to describe whe...,
What is the normal in terms of re...,
What occurs when light is reflect...
9  cards
Using Waves
How do sound waves travel through...,
What is an ultrasound wave,
What is a sound of frequencies le...
6  cards
Light and Colour
What is total internal reflection,
What is the critical angle,
What determines the colour of vis...
13  cards
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
What types of waves are electroma...,
What do electromagnetic waves tra...,
What type of spectrum do electrom...
10  cards
What do all bodies objects emit a...,
What happens to the quantity of i...,
What happens to the type of radia...
5  cards
Use and Dangers of EM Waves
What types of waves can be produc...,
Where do gamma rays originate from,
What health effects can ultraviol...
16  cards
The Nucleus
Give an approximation for the rad...,
What are the three subatomic cons...,
Where is the most of the mass of ...
19  cards
Radioactive Decay
State four types of nuclear radia...,
What is meant by background radia...,
Give 4 sources of background radi...
23  cards
Modelling Decay
Define the activity of an unstabl...,
What is the unit of radioactive a...,
What is count rate
6  cards
Using Radiation
Give examples uses of radioactivity,
How do smoke alarms work,
State two uses of nuclear radiati...
15  cards
Nuclear Power
Describe the advantages of nuclea...,
Explain some disadvantages of usi...,
What is nuclear fusion
9  cards

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