This class was created by Brainscape user Irini Georgiadis. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What are the two types of waves,
What are some examples of longitu...,
What are some examples of transve...
14  cards
T or f light travels in straight ...,
T or f opaque objects allow light...,
How is a shadow formed
5  cards
Making Colors
Why does a banana eg look yellow,
Why do black objects look black,
Why do white objects look white
7  cards
What is dispersion,
What is the order of the colours ...,
How are rainbows formed
5  cards
What is refraction,
T or f refraction does not potent...,
5  cards
What is reflection,
What is the law of reflection,
What equipment would be needed fo...
3  cards
How is sound made,
What is the unit for a humans hea...,
What is the average hearing range...
12  cards
Can you hear in space explain you...,
How does a guitar work,
How can you change the pitch of a...
5  cards
What is electrical current,
What is current measured in,
What are some rules for drawing c...
12  cards
Potential Difference
T or f current is the amount of c...,
What is the name for one unit of ...,
What happens as an electron moves...
7  cards
States Of Matter
What are the three main states of...,
What are the three other states o...,
Give some characteristics of a solid
11  cards
Thermal Expansion
What is heat energy,
What is temperature,
What happens when a solid is heated
7  cards
Thermal Transfer
What are the 4 ways that thermal ...,
What will heat energy do until it...,
Match up the correct answer the m...
12  cards
Convection & Evaporation
What is convection,
What is the name for a closed sys...,
Can convection happen in solids e...
6  cards
What is needs to stop heat transfer,
How do we stop conduction,
How do we stop convection
6  cards

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