This class was created by Brainscape user Finlay Webb. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Define weight,
What is weight measured in,
What is mass measured in
4  cards
Define density,
What is density measured in,
What is the equation for mass
11  cards
Kenetic Theory
Describe solids,
Describe the characteristics of l...,
Characteristics of gases
3  cards
Centre Of Gravity And Stability
What is the centre of gravity,
What does a wider base do to the ...,
What happens if the centre of gra...
3  cards
What is the equation for a moment,
What is a moment,
What are the two directions a mom...
5  cards
Springs/ Hookes Law
Give four examples of springs,
State hookes law,
What happens to a spring that exc...
5  cards
What is pressure,
What does a larger area equal to ...,
What is the equation for pressure
3  cards
Define speed,
What is average speed,
What is the rate of change of speed
5  cards
Vectors And Scalars
What is a scalar,
What is a vector
2  cards
Displacement And Velocity
Define displacement,
Define velocity,
What is the equation of velocity
5  cards
Newtons Second Law
What is newton s second law,
What is f,
What does m mean
5  cards
Work Done
What is the equation for work done,
What is the definition for work
2  cards
Kinetic And Potential Energy
What is kinetic energy,
What is the formula of kinetic en...
2  cards
What is power,
What is the formula for power
2  cards
Can a machine be 100 efficient,
What is the definition of efficiency,
What is the equation of efficiency
3  cards
Who made the plum pudding model,
What did earnest rutherford disco...
2  cards

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