This class was created by Brainscape user Taliah B. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

The Eye
What is the function of the cornea,
What is the function for the pupil,
What is the function for the iris
10  cards
What happens when light goes thro...,
Why does light bend,
Where does air travel slower
9  cards
What are the different types of l...,
What do the different types of le...
2  cards
Electromagnetic Spectrum
What is the smallest wavelength,
What is the largest wavelength,
What are the different waves in o...
7  cards
How to calculate speed given the ...,
What do sound waves require to ma...,
Where does sound travel fastest
8  cards
The Ear
What does the ear canal do,
What does the ear drum do,
What is the purpose of the hammer...
13  cards
What is the unit for pressure,
How to calculate pressure,
How are high pressures caused
9  cards
Seeing And Reflection
How do we see things
1  cards
What is dispersion,
Why does dispersion occur,
What are the colours white light ...
6  cards
Transverse Waves
What are the two main types of wave,
What are transverse waves,
What are londitudal waves
5  cards
Frequency And Amplitude
How the sound of a note described,
What is frequency measured in
2  cards
Heat 🔥
Heat is a form of _____,
What type of energy is heat,
How is heat measured
22  cards
Safety In The Lab 🥽
True or false it is safe to stir ...,
True or false it is safe to hold ...,
True or false mercury thermometer...
5  cards
Refraction In Water
What do you notice about the lase...,
Does the laser beam burn towards ...
2  cards
Parallel Rays
What happens when the parallel ra...,
What can the convex lens also be ...,
What happens to the parallel rays...
4  cards
Name 3 ionising radiations we are...,
What is the name if the place whe...,
What is the name of the famous sc...
8  cards
When you close the switch on a pa...,
If you unscrew one of the bulbs o...
2  cards
Important Winter Exam Questions‼️
What 3 things happens to the imag...,
A prism can be used to disperse w...,
What is one danger of infrared ra...
7  cards

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