This class was created by Brainscape user Luna Perez-Escolar. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Speed velocity,
Gravitational field strength
37  cards
3.2 Light
What happens when rays of light h...,
What are the characteristics of a...,
When light is reflected how do an...
22  cards
3.3 Electromagnetic Soectrum
State the 7 electromagnetic waves...,
What is the highest frequency ele...,
What is the highest energy electr...
17  cards
3.1 General Wave Properties
What is a wave,
What is a transverse wave,
Give examples of transverse waves
23  cards
3.4 Sound
How does sound travel through solids,
What type of waves are sound waves,
Can sound travel through a vacuum
16  cards
2.1 Matter
Describe the particle arrangement...,
Describe the particle arrangement...,
Describe the particle arrangement...
11  cards
2.2 Thermal Properties & Temperature
What is thermal expansion,
Which state of matter experiences...,
Define specific thermal capacity
14  cards
2.3 Thermal Processes
In what kind of materials can con...,
Describe the process of conduction,
In which materials can convection...
9  cards
General Physics 1,1 Length And Time
How is length measured,
What is the unit of length,
How can you find the volume of a ...
7  cards
General Physics 1.2 Motion
What are the 3 main components of...,
Give the equation for average speed,
What is the difference between sp...
15  cards
General Physics 1.3 Mass & Weight
Define mass,
Define weight,
Give the equation for weight incl...
5  cards
General Physics 1.4 Density
State the equation for density gi...,
Describe a method to determine th...,
Describe a method to determine th...
5  cards
General Physics 1.5 Forces
Define resultant force,
What happens if a resultant force...,
How can a resultant force change ...
26  cards
General Physics 1.6 Momentum
Give the equation for momentum in...,
The time taken for the change in ...,
Give the equation linking resulta...
5  cards
General Physics 1.7 Energy, Work & Power
What type of energy is stored in ...,
What happens in terms of energy w...,
Give an equation for kinetic energy
20  cards
General Physics 1.8 Pressure
Give the equation for pressure,
What are the units for pressure,
Pressure in a fluid ________ with...
5  cards
Electricity 4.2 Electrical Quantities
Where are electric fields found,
What is an electric field,
Objects with the same charge
31  cards
Electricity 4.3 Elctric Circuits
What is a series circuit,
What is a parallel circuit,
Describe the current across a ser...
16  cards
2  cards

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