This class was created by Brainscape user Megan Beasley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Water And Carbon Cycle: Mitigating The Impacts Of Climate Change
How do humans modify industrial c...,
What is ccs,
How much do scientists estimate c...
14  cards
Hazards: The Concept Of A Hazard
What is a natural hazard,
What are the 3 forms of a natural...,
What is a geophysical hazard
32  cards
Hazards: Plate Tectonics
What is the inner core,
What is the outer core,
What is the mantle
28  cards
Hazards: Volcanoes
Where do volcanoes occur,
How do volcanic hazards differ,
What are the 3 things viscosity i...
40  cards
Hazards: Seismic Hazards
What is an earthquake,
What is the focus,
What is the epicentre
42  cards
Hazards: Storm Hazards
What is a tropical storm,
Why is temperature a cause for a ...,
Why is air pressure a cause of a ...
44  cards
Hazards: Wildfires
What are wildfires,
Where do wildfires happen most,
Why do different ecosystems burn ...
41  cards
Hazards: Multi-Hazardous Case Study - Haiti
What is a multi hazardous environ...,
When did haiti gain independence ...,
What happened in 2004
18  cards
Glaciers: Systems And Landscapes
What is a system,
What are the 2 types of systems,
What are the systems in a glacier
37  cards
Glaciers: Movement
What is internal deformation,
What is basal sliding,
What is compressional flow
5  cards
Glaciers: Glacial Processes
What are the 3 types of weathering,
What is freeze thaw weathering or...,
What is carbonation
14  cards
Glaciers: Geomorphological Landforms
What are the erosional landforms,
What are the depositional landforms,
What are corries
25  cards
Glaciers: Fluvioglacial Landforms
What are the fluvioglacial landforms,
What are meltwater channels,
What s an example of a meltwater ...
11  cards
Glaciers: Periglacial Landforms/landscapes
What are the periglacial landform...,
What is patterned ground,
What s an example of patterned gr...
15  cards
Glaciers: Environmental Fragility
How does fragility related to col...,
What are some of the reasons cold...,
How do humans impact cold environ...
8  cards
Glaciers: Managing Cold Environments
What are people doing with touris...,
How can climate deals help manage...,
What are other things to help man...
5  cards
Glaciers: Svalbard
What s the location of svalbard,
How is coal mining an opportunity...,
How is energy an opportunity for ...
9  cards
Glaciers: The Alps
Where is the alps,
What are the economic inequalitie...,
What are some of the problems the...
4  cards
W + C: Systems
What is a system,
What are the three types of prope...,
What is an open system
8  cards
W + C: The Water Cycle
What is the global distribution a...,
What is oceanic water,
What is cryospheric water
71  cards
W + C: The River Exe
Where is the river exe,
What are the physical characteris...,
What are the geological character...
9  cards
W + C: The Carbon Cycle
What is a carbon sink,
What is a carbon source,
Why is the carbon cycle important
24  cards
W + C: The Carbon Cycle Over Time
What is natural climate change,
How is chemical weathering an imp...,
How is forest coverage an impact ...
18  cards
W + C: The Carbon Budget
What is the carbon budget,
Why is the global carbon budget c...,
What s some general facts about t...
8  cards
W + C: Water, Carbon And Life
What is the role of water and car...,
What s the relationship between t...
2  cards
W + C: Tropical Rainforest
What are the main characteristics...,
Whats the water cycle in a tropic...,
What s the impacts of humans on t...
3  cards

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physical geography

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