This class was created by Brainscape user tom rawlinson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

1.1 Drainage Basin System
What is a system inputs outputs t...,
What are the open closed systems ...,
What is the composition and distr...
16  cards
1.2 Discharge Relationships With Drainage Basins
What are hydrographs what are ann...,
What are storm hydrographs,
What influences hydrographs
7  cards
1.3 River processes and landforms
What are conditions and landforms...,
What are the conditions and landf...,
How do processes change as you mo...
32  cards
1.4 The Human Impact
How can human activity modify evt,
How does human activity affect pr...,
How does human activity affect wa...
12  cards
2.1 Diurnal Energy Budget
What is the atmosphere and its st...,
What is the daytime nighttime ene...,
What are the percentages of each ...
17  cards
2.2 Global Energy Budget
What is the global energy budget,
What are the proportions of the s...,
What is the general trend of the ...
21  cards
2.3 Weather Processes and Phenomena
What is humidity,
What is evaporation condensation ...,
What happens to condensed water
13  cards
2.4 The Human Impact
What is the enhanced greenhouse e...,
What are some of the natural caus...,
What are the 4 ghgs
11  cards
3.1 Plate Tectonics
What is the structure of the earth,
What are the two types of crust a...,
What is the lithosphere asthenosp...
13  cards
3.2 Weathering and Rocks
What is weathering,
What are some features recognised...,
What are the types of mechanical ...
13  cards
3.3 Slope processes
What are slopes,
What factors cause processes to vary,
What are mass movements how are t...
12  cards
3.4 The human impact
What are some of the indirect hum...,
What are some of the direct human...,
What are some strategies to reduc...
3  cards

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physical geography

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