physical 13 - carbon/energy

This class was created by Brainscape user Charlie Lattimore. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (50)

Lesson 1 - Biogeochemical Carbon Cycle
What is a flux,
What is longwave radiation,
What is a carbon sink
14  cards
Lesson 1 - Carbon Cycle Numbers
What quantity does 1 petagram of ...,
What is the single largest carbon...,
What is the single largest carbon...
3  cards
Lesson 2 - Slow Carbon Cycle
0  cards
Lesson 3 - Fast Carbon Cycle
What is sequestration,
What is the thermohaline circulation,
How do warmer waters behave
11  cards
Lesson 3 - Biological Pump
What are the 3 main carbon pumps,
Where do the 3 pumps operate,
How do phytoplankton begin the bi...
7  cards
Lesson 3 - Carbonate Pump
How do marine organisms generate ...,
What happens when these organism die,
How do shells skeletons affect oc...
5  cards
Lesson 3 - Physical Pump
What does the physical pump involve,
How does water temperature affect...,
How does water temperature affect...
7  cards
Lesson 3.5 - Terrestrial Sequestration
What are primary producers,
What happens when primary produce...,
How do consumer animals transfer ...
12  cards
Lesson 3.5 - Biological Carbon
What of global carbon storage doe...,
What is the capacity of soils to ...,
How does the climate affect soil ...
13  cards
Lesson 4 - Human Interference: Stores + Fluxes
Which major stores have increased...,
Which stores have undergone the m...,
Which major stores have decreased...
7  cards
Lesson 4 - Greenhouse Effect
Why is a balanced carbon cycle im...,
What of shortwave radiation is re...,
How is the remaining 69 absorbed
8  cards
Lesson 4 - Climate Patterns
What is albedo,
Give an example of albedo,
How does albedo work
10  cards
Lesson 5 - Photosynthesis/Respiration
What is the photosynthesis equation,
What is the respiration equation,
What is the purpose of the photos...
9  cards
Lesson 5 - Ecosystem Productivity
What is primary productivity,
Which biome is the most productive,
What is gross primary production
12  cards
Lesson 5.5 - Carbon Pathways
What are the roles of sources and...,
When does equilibrium occur,
How has human activity affected t...
8  cards
Lesson 5.5 - Fossil Fuel Combustion
What are the global climate impli...,
What are the regional climate imp...,
What are the potential implicatio...
11  cards
Lesson 5.5 - 2 Degree Rise
How will a 2 degree temp rise aff...,
How will a 2 degree temp rise aff...,
How will a 2 degree temp rise aff...
8  cards
Lesson 6 - Energy Security
What is energy security,
What is the securest possible ene...,
What is primary energy
6  cards
Lesson 6 - Energy Consumption
Which 8 factors have the largest ...,
How does physical availability in...,
How does physical accessibility a...
10  cards
Lesson 7 - Energy Players
What are tncs,
What is the role of tncs,
What is opec
9  cards
Lesson 7 - OPEC
What is opec,
What of proven oil reserves do op...,
How does opec moderate global ene...
5  cards
Lesson 7 - Energy Players + Roles
What is the primary role of consu...,
How can consumers exert influence...,
What are the non market influence...
9  cards
Lesson 8 - Energy Pathways
What are the primary types of ene...,
What are the human issues regardi...,
What are the physical problems su...
5  cards
Lesson 8 - Uranium
How many nations possess uranium ...,
Which 3 nations occupy 46 of uran...,
3  cards
Lesson 8 - Oil
What of proven oil reserves are f...,
Which contentious oil reserves ar...,
How long is it theorised that pre...
8  cards
Lesson 8 - Coal
How long will todays proven coal ...,
What is the rough global coal con...,
What is coal gasification
7  cards
Lesson 8 - Natural Gas
How long will natural gas supplie...,
Why is natural gas considered a c...,
Roughly what of global energy con...
6  cards
Lesson 9 - Unconventional Fossil Fuels
What are the 4 primary unconventi...,
What are tar sands,
What is oil shale
12  cards
Lesson 9 - Fracking
What is fracking,
What does fracking involve,
How does fracking release extract...
9  cards
Lesson 10a - Fossil Fuel Alternatives
What is carbon neutrality,
What is renewable energy,
What is recyclable energy
5  cards
Lesson 10a - Nuclear Power
How does a nuclear plant provide ...,
What are the 2 types of action ta...,
Why is nuclear waste a concern
8  cards
Lesson 10a - Nuclear: For + Against
What are the environmental argume...,
What are the energy security argu...,
Why is uranium distribution an ar...
7  cards
Lesson 10b - Solar Power
Which regions receive a net surpl...,
What are the 3 primary uses of so...,
What are pv cells
8  cards
Lesson 10b - Biofuels
What are biofuels,
Give 3 examples of biofuels,
What are the benefits of biofuels
8  cards
Lesson 10b - Wind
What is wind energy,
What are the benefits of wind energy,
What are the costs of wind energy
7  cards
Lesson 11 - Radical Technologies
What is a radical technology,
What are the 3 most prominent rad...,
What does ccs entail
6  cards
Lesson 11 - Electric Vehicles
What do electric vehicles entail,
What are the main benefits of ele...,
What are the main drawbacks of el...
7  cards
Lesson 11 - Hydrogen Fuel Cells
How does a hydrogen fuel cell work,
What are the main benefits of hyd...,
What are the main drawbacks of hy...
6  cards
Lesson 11 - CCS
What is ccs,
Where do ccs storage points gener...,
What are the main benefits of ccs
5  cards
Lesson 12 - Ocean Acidification
What is ocean acidification,
How does ocean acidification take...,
How to hydrogen ions behave
10  cards
Lesson 13 - Afforestation
What is afforestation,
What are the main benefits of aff...,
What are the potential drawbacks ...
7  cards
Lesson 13 - Grassland Conversion
Why were grasslands traditionally...,
When were did the biofuel rush ta...,
What were american farmers encour...
10  cards
Lesson 14 - Forest Loss
Describe the net change in global...,
Which forests accounted for the m...,
Which commodity has contributed s...
10  cards
Lesson 14 - Forest Protection + Recovery
What was the indonesian forest mo...,
How effective was the forest mora...,
How has economic progress resulte...
6  cards
Lesson 15 - Rising Temperatures: Oceans
What are the main threats to ocea...,
What are the main implications of...,
What are the projections for reef...
8  cards
Lesson 15 - Feedback
What is positive feedback,
What is negative feedback,
Give an example of negative feedback
5  cards
Lesson 16 - RCP + Tipping Points
What is rcp,
Describe an rcp 25 future,
Describe an rcp 25 future
9  cards
Lesson 16 - Uncertain Future
Which 4 primary factors are respo...,
How do terrestrial sinks contribu...,
How is the projected increase in ...
15  cards
Lesson 17 - Adaption Strategies
What are the 5 adaption strategies,
Define adaption,
What does water conservation mana...
18  cards
Lesson 17 - Mitigation Strategies
What are the 5 mitigation strategies,
What is mitigation strategy,
What does carbon tax usually involve
4  cards

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physical 13 - carbon/energy

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