This class was created by Brainscape user Mrin Soman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Lecture 1
What are biologics,
What are the differences between ...,
What are the advantages of using ...
14  cards
Lecture 2
What do protein drugs do,
What is the process of mrna display,
What are the advantages of using ...
18  cards
Lecture 3
What are the steps to recover a p...,
Name the techniques used for cell...,
How does homogenization work to d...
53  cards
Tutorial 2
What is the selection system used...,
Why is dhfr expression beneficial...,
How does one synthesize two prote...
10  cards
Lecture 7
Where are hormones released into,
Fill in the blanks most hormones ...,
Why is it hard to
52  cards
What is the purpose of the gel in...,
What is the full form of sds page,
What are stacking and resolving g...
13  cards
Lecture 8: Enzymes for Therapeutic and Diagnostic Applications
What are the main general clinica...,
What are the concerns involving e...,
What happens in severe combined i...
38  cards
Lecture 8.5: Immunoassays and ELISA
Which are more specific monoclona...,
How is the ag ab binding detected,
What are the basic steps involved...
21  cards
Lecture 4: antibodies
What are antibodies,
What is an antigen,
What are the general uses of anti...
49  cards
Lecture 5: Vaccines and RNA drugs
What are the common components of...,
Why are particulate antigens more...,
How do vaccines work
35  cards
Biologic drug examples
What kind of drug is humira,
What are the sizes of humira s li...,
How does humira differ from infli...
52  cards
Lecture 9: Transgenic technology
What are the broad applications o...,
What is the purpose of gmo microbes,
What is the purpose of gmo fruit ...
37  cards
Lecture 10: gene therapy
What are the two approaches when ...,
What is in vivo gene therapy and ...,
What is in vivo gene therapy and ...
31  cards
Lecture 11: genomics
How big is the human genome,
What is the difference between ge...,
What are the different types of g...
35  cards
Lecture 12: CRISPR
What does crispr stand for,
How does the rna guided immune sy...,
3  cards

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