phonetics and phonemics

This class was created by Brainscape user Madi Womble. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

consonant chart
40  cards
Monophthong Vowels
Tongue height tongue advancement ...,
Onglide and offglide direction of...,
I hid
15  cards
vowel chart and diphthongs
21  cards
chapter 1: Overview of clinical phonetics
Study of the perception and produ...,
Types of phonetics,
System complexity
8  cards
Chapter 2:
Pattern of the movements of the s...,
A group of people who live within...,
Different usage patterns within a...
33  cards
chapter 1 - in class notes
Of target sounds to be transcribed,
Language unit,
A visual representation of speech...
3  cards
chapter 2 - in class notes
Different ways to say a sound pop...,
Letters of the alphabet,
2 graphemes that 1 phonemetwo con...
7  cards
chapter 3
Flow of air that moves outward fr...,
Inward flow of air,
Sequence of words or syllables pr...
12  cards
chapter 3 - in class notes
The human vocal tract converts __...,
Speech production requires coordi...,
What is the function of the respi...
32  cards
infant vocalization
Why transcribe infant vocalization,
What is a babys vocal trap shaped...,
A break in vocalization listen fo...
20  cards
developmental phonetics
Children master all phonemes by age,
Speech is production is refined t...,
A child is _______ a small versio...
14  cards
online quiz material
chapter 1, 2, 3
70  cards
chapter 4 quiz
Which of the following english vo...,
Tenseness or laxness of a vowel r...,
The choice to transcribe a vowel ...
34  cards
chapter 5 online material
Consonant sound classes that are ...,
Production of affricates involves,
Which of the following sounds is ...
30  cards
chapter 6 online quiz
English is considered to be a ___...,
During production of a vowel if t...,
Stress used to distinguish among ...
24  cards
9  cards
consonants chapter
How are consonants produced,
Where is the sound source for con...,
Are consonants longer or shorter ...
55  cards
chapter 7
During testing the clinician should,
Children can be more difficult to...,
Videotape recordings provide
15  cards
chapter 8
Which of the following symbols wo...,
Which of the following vowels is ...,
Vowels often take on a nasal cons...
20  cards
How can you tell the difference b...,
To improve intelligibility what i...,
What subsystem of speech is most ...
15  cards
appendix B
What distribution characteristics...,
What distribution characteristics...,
What structural characteristics d...
10  cards

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phonetics and phonemics

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