This class was created by Brainscape user mum taj. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring/ Interpreting Lab Data
What is a high risk medicine,
Are error rates higher in high ri...,
Give some examples of high risk m...
49  cards
Asthma, CAP, COPD [completed]
How is asthma diagnosed,
What are some tools that can be u...,
What are the 3 rcp questions
127  cards
Gout, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis [completed]
What is gout,
What age group is gout more likel...,
Is gout more common in males or f...
76  cards
Infections and Antimicrobials
What needs to be considered when ...,
What antibiotic is most appropria...,
What are the advantages of narrow...
67  cards
Smoking Cessation [completed]
How does smoking harm the body,
What happens 8 hours after someon...,
What happens 48 hours after someo...
56  cards
Foot care [completed]
What is athlete s foot,
What are the most common fungi re...,
Is athletes foot more common in m...
90  cards
Hayfever and Allergies [completed]
The number of hay fever sufferers...,
What is an allergy,
What is the immune response to al...
100  cards
Special Patient Groups [completed]
What are some special patient groups,
What advice is there regarding gi...,
Are herbal medicines a safer alte...
121  cards
What is a parasite,
What is an ectoparasite give some...,
What is an endoparasite give some...
51  cards
OTC veterinary medicines
1  cards
Muscoskeletal conditions [completed]
What is the role of the muscle te...,
What is the role of muscle in the...,
What is the role of the ligament ...
122  cards
Psychology of interprofessional collaboration
What is the big five in trait theory,
2  cards
Skin infections [completed]
What does asmethod stand for,
Why may a request for a skin cond...,
What additional question should b...
60  cards
1  cards
Gender and pharmacy practice
0  cards
Nutrition [completed]
What are the current uk diet and ...,
What are the bmi ranges,
How is bmi calculated
72  cards
IBD, IBS and Coeliac disease [completed]
Describe how ibs may present,
How long must someone have had sy...,
What are some symptoms of ibs rel...
71  cards
0  cards
Standards for Pharmacy Premises and Inspections
What are the types
1  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Placebo vs Nocebo
0  cards
Improving Adherence
0  cards
Professionalism II and III
What is needed to become a pharma...,
What are some roles of the pharma...,
What is a medicine counter assistant
23  cards
Respiratory workshop
1  cards
Sexual Health Workshop [completed]
What is the causative organism fo...,
What population is chlamydia prev...,
Are people with chlamydia often s...
42  cards

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