phase 4 - katherine

This class was created by Brainscape user Katherine Wostenholme. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Palliative Care
3 parts to palliative care,
3 reasons symptomatic relief is i...,
Nausea vomiting causes 3bs examples
39  cards
A and E
Outline abcde approach,
What is canadian c spine rule wha...,
Define 4 types of burn burndefine...
26  cards
Infectious Diseases
You are the f1 in amu and are pho...,
You are the f1 in amu and are pho...,
A 24 year old medical student pre...
75  cards
Name 3 causes of new confusion in...,
Mx of hypercalcaemia,
Adverse effects of zolendonic acid
66  cards
Heart valves
What makes 1st heart sound 2nd,
Which heart sounds are loudest on...,
What are the two loudest systolic...
19  cards
Anaesthetics COPY
Name some anti emetics which is b...,
What things do you need to do pre op,
Parts of relevant anaesthetic hx
80  cards
Name 3 functions of the skin,
What cells in the skin present an...,
What are merkel cells
147  cards
What is t1dm,
What is t2dm,
Main comps of diabetes
187  cards
Nmae 3 common ddx of cervical lym...,
What travels through parotid,
Name 3 causes of parotid swelling
116  cards
What is a hernia,
Main complications of hernias,
Rfs for inguinal hernia
190  cards
3 classic sx of anaemia,
When is anaemia severe name 2 signs,
What transports iron
167  cards
Alt ast which is more specific fo...,
When levels are raised what do th...,
What are alp and ggt elevated in
135  cards
What is a sarcoma,
How does an angiosarcoma present,
Name of bone sarcoma in young mal...
41  cards
What do you need to do for opthal...,
Things to describe in the optic disk,
Name 3 causes of retinal haem
141  cards
About how much is gfr,
What is creatinine,
What can cause a misleadign creat...
107  cards
Name 2 features of asthma pres,
Name 2 triggers of allergic and 2...,
2 drugs you need to be careful pr...
198  cards
What is bph which areas enlarge,
The lower urinary tract sx from b...,
Name 3 sx of bph
107  cards
Clinical chemistry
Name 4 things causing hyponatraemia,
Typical findings in siadh biochem,
Name 3 causes of raised prolactin
62  cards
Smooth narrowing of lower oesopha...,
Mx of primary pneumothorax if 2cm,
Advice following primary pneumoth...
30  cards
How to work out rate in ecg,
How long should p wave be,
Prolonged pr interval indicates
234  cards
Rheumatology / orthopaedics
Name a large vessle medium small ...,
Secondary causes of vasculitis,
Eg of infective drug autoimmune c...
263  cards
Public Heath
Causes of associations,
Define bias selection bias types ...,
What are the brad ford hill crite...
103  cards
Psychiatry and Neurology
Psychiatric assessment what is mo...,
What is a forensic history,
What 4 things are you assessing t...
182  cards
Sexual Health
When should you do hep c serology...,
When should you do hep c serology...,
At what stage of syphillis will t...
48  cards
At what level does the trachea bi...,
How many pulmonary veins do you have,
Describe the passage of structure...
126  cards
Give 3 signs of respiratory distr...,
Describe the epidemiology of adhd,
Describe the aetiology of adhd
533  cards

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phase 4 - katherine

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