This class was created by Brainscape user Grace Clark. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Palliative Care
What is an unlicensed medication,
What is an off license use of med...,
How long does pain have to be pre...
87  cards
Obs and Gynae
What is cystocele,
What is a grade 1 cystocele,
What is grade 2 cystocele
500  cards
Obs and Gynae Continued
What is the name of 3 her2 recept...,
What medications can be used in t...,
What medications can be used in b...
107  cards
What are 6 features of adhd,
What is the diagnostic criteria f...,
What is the management of adhd
200  cards
Public Health
What is health psychology,
What are health behaviours,
What is illness behaviour
110  cards
What are the names of cells that ...,
What are the names of cells that ...,
Which nervous system does ms affect
359  cards
What is the pathophysiology of be...,
What are the 4 possible causes of...,
What are 3 features of bppv
123  cards
What is the pathophysiology of acne,
What are macules,
What are papules
396  cards
What are 3 characteristic signs o...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is the most common viral cau...
500  cards
Paeds Continued
What are 5 complications of chick...,
How long can it take someone to b...,
What is the presentation of measles
413  cards
What is acromegaly,
What causes acromegaly,
What is the pathology of acromegaly
296  cards
What is an abdominal aortic aneurysm,
Are heart conditions generally mo...,
Where are aaas most common
222  cards
What is acute lymphoblastic leuka...,
What is the most common childhood...,
What age range is all most common in
218  cards
What is acute appendicitis,
What age range is appendicitis mo...,
What are 3 risk factors for appen...
371  cards
What is ankylosing spondylitis,
What percentage of patents with a...,
What are 3 risk factors for as
207  cards
What is acute cystitis,
What is the most common infection,
What are the top 3 causative orga...
213  cards
What are 6 environmental triggers...,
What are 3 risk factors for asthma,
What are 5 presentations of asthma
196  cards
What are the 3 types of acute cor...,
Where do the coronary arteries br...,
What areas of the heard does the ...
180  cards
Why are patients fasted before ge...,
When is risk of aspiration highes...,
What is the typical fasting for a...
14  cards

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phase 4

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