This class was created by Brainscape user H R. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: H R

Decks in this class (12)

What is the sequence of acute inf...,
3 stages of inflammation,
Neutrophils in acute inflammation
95  cards
Define pharmacokinetics,
Define pharmacodynamics,
List the 4 four pharmacokinetic p...
15  cards
endo conditions
What type of disorder is t1 diabetes,
Which cells are destroyed in t1 d...,
Describe the pathology of t1 diab...
166  cards
cardio conditions
Define an abdominal aortic aneury...,
Epidemiology of aaa,
Risk factors of aaa
240  cards
haematology conditions
What is haemoglobin below in anaemia,
What does mch mean,
What does mcv stand for and how i...
173  cards
GI conditions
Name 2 types of inflammatory bowe...,
What part of the gi tract is affe...,
Describe the pathology of crohn s...
188  cards
Liver conditions
What are 3 markers of liver funct...,
The presence of which 4 enzymes i...
240  cards
MSK conditions
What kind of condition is rheumat...,
Is ra symmetrical and does it aff...,
List 4 risk factors for rheumatoi...
155  cards
GU conditions
Where do kidney stones nephroliat...,
List 8 risk factors for kidney st...,
Pathology of kidney stones
139  cards
Neuro conditions
Describe a transient ischaemic at...,
What are the 2 arteries involved ...,
List 7 risk factors for a tia
222  cards
resp conditions
Define chronic obstructive pulmon...,
List 4 risk factors for copd,
Name 2 organisms that cause infec...
85  cards
What cells are associated with a ...,
List the 5 cardinal signs of infl...,
Describe the 3 stages of inflamma...
11  cards

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phase 2a

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