This class was created by Brainscape user Meg Wallace. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

What is the purpose of mitosis,
Describe stages of mitosis,
Describe anaphase and telophase
189  cards
Ethics, public and social health
What is primary prevention,
What is secondary prevention,
What is tertiary prevention
121  cards
What do epithelia form barriers for,
What is simple epithelia,
What is stratified epithelia
96  cards
Define genotype,
Define phenotype,
Define allele
21  cards
What is haemopoesis,
Where does haemopoiesis,
Where does haemopoiesis take plac...
237  cards
Critical numbers
What is an experimental study,
What are 3 types of observational...,
How do randomised controlled tria...
88  cards
What makes up the upper respirato...,
What makes up the lower respirato...,
What are the main functions of th...
264  cards
ILA formatives
What do central chemoreceptors in...,
What cell provides cilia for muco...,
Equation for vital capacity
117  cards
What are the functions of the sto...,
How much hcl is produced each day...,
What is the physiology of gastric...
310  cards
On what day does the primary hear...,
When does the secondary heart fie...,
What forms the primary heart field
70  cards
What is the peripheral nervous sy...,
What does the somatic nervous sys...,
What does the autonomic nervous s...
428  cards
Which bones make up the anterior ...,
Where does the acf lie over,
What does the acf accommodate
249  cards
What is mendelian genetics,
What are complex trait genetics,
What is somatic genetics
335  cards
GU anatomy
What is the inguinal canal,
Where does the inguinal canal run,
What is in the inguinal canal in ...
162  cards
MSK anatomy
Which muscles are involved in upp...,
Which muscles are involved in upp...,
Which muscles are involved in upp...
390  cards
Which are the two main arteries f...,
Where do the internal carotid art...,
What arteries does internal carot...
493  cards
IMMS revised
What is the structure of dna,
What are the 4 dna bases and thei...,
How many chromosomes are there
264  cards
What is the structure of a collag...,
What is the primary structure of ...,
Type 1
235  cards

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phase 1

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