This class was created by Brainscape user amanda kastel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Pharmacogenomics part 1
Define pharmacogenomics,
____ _____ pharmacogenomics,
True or falseboth endogenous and ...
50  cards
Pharmacogenomics part 2
Pharmacodynamic genes can be a so...,
What drugs can cause drug induced...,
Explain how hypersensitivity reac...
14  cards
lecture 7 part 1
The nervous system is divided into,
Classify the peripheral nervous s...,
What can the cns be divided into
72  cards
lecture 7 part 2
What does npy stand for,
What is the primary function of n...,
What does no stand for
70  cards
Lecture 7 Part 3
Explain how norepinephrine is syn...,
What can inhibit tyrosine hydroxy...,
What can inhibit the transport of...
44  cards
Lecture 8
What kind of receptors are muscar...,
What kind of receptors are nicoti...,
Muscarinic receptors contain ____...
71  cards
Lecture 8 Part 2
What is the action of indirect ac...,
Name 3 types of structures that a...,
What is edrophonium
83  cards
Cholinergic Antagonists Part 1
Name 2 kinds of nicotinic antagon...,
Cholinergic antagonists will caus...,
Explain how neuromuscular blocker...
76  cards
Adrenoceptor Agonists (Sympathomimetics)
Drugs that mimic the actions of e...,
Adrenergic agonists can be direct...,
Name a adrenergic agonist that is...
68  cards
Adrenoreceptor Agonists Part 2
Alpha 1 receptor activation cause...,
In general a2 receptor activation...,
A2 agonists can be used as ______...
71  cards
Adrenoreceptor ANTAGONISTS part 1
Adrenoceptor blockers can be divi...,
Name 2 drugs that have both alpha...,
Name a beta 2 selective beta blocker
41  cards

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pharmacology final

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