This class was created by Brainscape user jayda bowen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Introduction to Pharmacology
What is a drug,
Classification of drugs
5  cards
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Explain adme,
21  cards
Drug properties
What must happen in order for a d...,
What must happen for the effect o...,
Fill in the blanksin order for a ...
64  cards
Drug Administration and Absorption
What needs to be considered when ...,
Possible routes of administration
27  cards
Drug Distribution
Drug distribution,
What does drug distribution depen...,
Total body water
21  cards
Drug clearance
Drug clearance,
What 2 processes are involved in ...,
How are fat soluble drugs excrete...
21  cards
Induction And Inhibition
What does induction mean in relat...,
Why is induction a concern when i...,
Why are drugs with a narrow thera...
13  cards
Biotransformation I
Why is drug metabolism viewed as ...,
Does drug metabolism always lead ...,
What kind of bonds are formed whe...
43  cards
Biotransformation II
List all the stages of biotransfo...,
Describe reduction reaction of an...,
In the biotransformation of doxor...
31  cards
Biotransformation III
What does induction mean in relat...,
Why is induction a concern when i...,
Why are drugs with a narrow thera...
15  cards
Drug Variability
Why does variability in drug resp...,
What factors affect drug response...,
What effects patient compliance
20  cards
personalized medicine
What does diploid mean,
Haploid genome
32  cards
adverse drug reactions
What is an adverse drug reaction,
When can adverse drug reactions o...,
Describe the thalidomide disaster...
41  cards
drug interactions
What are the types of pharmacodyn...,
Fill in the blank________ are com...,
Where can drug interactions occur
42  cards
street drugs
What strategies are most commonly...,
What makes some drugs more addictive,
What is the unstimulated pathway ...
34  cards
perinatal pharmacology
Post conceptional age post fertil...,
Post lmp,
T f in the post lmp method is it ...
35  cards
What does poison hemlock contain ...,
Poison hemlock
13  cards
substance use
Substance use disorder,
How do drugs become misused,
What is the positive reinforcing ...
22  cards

More about
pharmacology and toxicology

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