This class was created by Brainscape user Caleb Yockey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Medications Affecting Urinary Output/BP/Angina (names/classification)
Furosemide prototype,
Hydrochlorothiazide prototype,
Spironolactone prototype
17  cards
Medications Affecting Blood Pressure (general info)
What is the suffix to remember ac...,
What is the mechanism of actions ...,
What are some adverse effects of ...
57  cards
Cardiac Glycosides and Heart Failure
What are the normal compensatory ...,
What is the bad thing about the c...,
What are some drug classification...
32  cards
Describe stable angina,
Describe unstable angina,
Describe prinzmetals angina
25  cards
Medications Affecting Urinary Output
What is the mechanism of action f...,
How would you give a loop diureti...,
How can loop diuretics be adminis...
29  cards
Antilipemic Agents
What is the therapeutic action of...,
What pregnancy category are statins,
What are the therapeutic uses for...
28  cards
Cardiac Growth Factors
What is the main therapeutic acti...,
Why would we need erythropoietic ...,
What is the main goal of treatmen...
5  cards
Medications Affecting Coagulation
What is the therapeutic action of...,
What is the therapeutic action of...,
What is the therapeutic use for h...
60  cards
Medications Affecting Cardiac Rhythm
What is the mechanism of action f...,
What is the mechanism of action f...,
What is the mechanism of action f...
25  cards
Medications affecting the respiratory system
For optimal gas exchange to occur...,
What are the advantages of a nebu...,
What are short acting b2 adrenerg...
34  cards
Drugs affecting the upper respiratory tract
What is the mechanism of action f...,
Is there a potential for abuse wi...,
What are some adverse effects of ...
17  cards
Cardiac glycosides, antidysrhythmics, and antilipemics names and classifications
Epinephrine no generic name,
Dopamine no generic name
18  cards
Respiratory Medications, Growth Factors, Anticoagulants Names and Classifications
Epinephrine no generic name,
29  cards

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