This class was created by Brainscape user Ketewe Kwedhi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Chemotherapy (Antiviral Drugs)
List the steps in viral replication,
State the major sites of antivira...,
State the classification of antiv...
46  cards
Drugs Used In The Treatment Of Affective Disorders
What is bipolar disorder,
Briefly describe the types of bip...,
What are the common signs and sym...
35  cards
Neurotransmitter System In Addiction
What is drug addiction,
Differentiate between tolerance s...,
Differentiate between reward and ...
37  cards
Anti-Malarial Drugs
What are the uses of anti malaria...,
What are the advantages of combin...,
List the classification of anti m...
63  cards
Sickle Cell Anemia
What is sca,
How does hb get polymerized,
How does sca clinically manifest
20  cards
Drug Management Of Anemia
48  cards
Drugs Used In Hemostasis And Thrombosis
What is hemostasis,
What is thrombosis,
How do drugs modify hemostasis an...
81  cards
Mechanism Of Drug Action In CNS
How do drugs that act on the cns ...,
Differentiate between specific se...,
What is a neurotransmitter
19  cards
Drugs Used In The Treatment Of Pain (Adjuvants)
Describe the ascending pain pathway,
What are adjuvant analgesics,
Describe the moa of tricyclic ant...
13  cards
Drugs Used In The Management Of Pain
What is pain,
How do drugs modulate pain neural...,
Outline the pain neural pathway
11  cards
Drugs That Act On Opioid Receptors
Differentiate between opioids and...,
List the opioid receptors and the...,
What are endogenous opioid recept...
25  cards
Drug Management of Selected Pain Syndromes
What are the treatment options for,
What are the treatment options for,
What are the treatment options for
25  cards
Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
What are muscle spasms,
Describe the duration and charact...,
What are the causes of muscle spasms
15  cards

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