
This class was created by Brainscape user Hannah Lapos. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

IV-Infusion - Pre Lecture
What is a iv infusion entail,
What is another name for constant...,
Why is a slow constant drug deliv...
19  cards
Oral Absorption - PreLecture
What is route of an orally absorb...,
What is the difference between fa...,
What order is the drug transfer f...
16  cards
Intro to PK
What makes something a poison,
What is drug therapy,
How is a drug dose chosen
28  cards
Intravenous Infusion
What are the advantages of iv inf...,
What are the properties of a stea...,
What processes are found in iv in...
5  cards
Oral Absorption
What are the 3 definitions of abs...,
What are the factors that affect ...,
What are the properties of the ab...
41  cards
Drug Distribution and Vd - Pre Lecture
What is drug distribution,
What does measured drug concentra...,
Why is 1com model not adequate to...
25  cards
Drug Distribution
What is drug distribution,
Why isn t 1com adequate enough to...,
What is best model to describe di...
78  cards
Plasm Protein Binding
Describe the kinetics of drug bin...,
What are the 2 forms drugs exist as,
Describe the rate of drug binding
25  cards
Drug Elimination and Renal Clearance - Pre Lecture
What is drug elimination,
What are the major pathways of el...,
What are the routes of excretion
49  cards
Exam 1: Equations
First order equations,
Half life,
20  cards
Drug Elimination and Renal Clearance Part 1
What is drug elimination,
What does a declining plasma drug...,
What are 2 major components of dr...
83  cards
Drug Elimination and Renal Clearance Part 2
What kind of drugs are excreted r...,
What are the mechanisms of excretion,
What molecules are filtered by th...
71  cards
Hepatic Clearance, Drug Metabolism, and Pharmacogenomics - Pre Lecture
Can lipophilic drugs be eliminate...,
Describe the excretion pathway of...,
What is the primary purpose of he...
43  cards
Hepatic Drug Elimination
What are the 2 methods how drugs ...,
Describe drugs that are eliminate...,
Describe drugs that are eliminate...
36  cards
Hepatic Drug Elimination Part 2
What is clearance,
What is hepatic clearance,
What is hepatic clearance used for
24  cards
Multiple Dosage Regimens - Pre Lecture
What is a good dosage regime,
How do you maintain drug concentr...,
What is the frequency dosing inte...
19  cards
What was pythagoras contribution ...,
Describe observation of suxmethonium,
Who was friedrich vogel
141  cards
Multiple Dosage Forms
What are the parameters of adjust...,
How do we predict cp at any point...,
What is the key question for drug...
40  cards
Non-Linear PK
What pk parameters are independen...,
What factors,
What is a linear pk or dose indep...
14  cards
Multiple Dosage Forms Part 2
What is intermittent infusion,
What is the rationale for intermi...,
What equation do we use for inter...
4  cards
Non-Linear PK
What are the characteristics of l...,
What is linear,
31  cards
Dosage Adjustment - Pre Lecture
What is the effects of cardiac fa...,
What is the effects of cardiac fa...,
What is the effects of cardiac fa...
26  cards
Dosage Adjustment: Renal Disease
What are do the kidneys regulate,
What occurs during uremia,
What pk processes and pd of drugs...
33  cards
Hepatic Disease
List the different types of liver...,
What do hepatic disease alter,
How does liver disease affect pro...
22  cards
Drug Adjustment in Drug Interactions
What is a ddi,
What are the types of ddi,
What is unintentional di
54  cards
What is tdm,
Who is involved with tdm team pro...,
What is step 1 of tdm process
53  cards
PK-PD models
What is pd,
What does pd represent,
What is pd used for
67  cards
PKPD of Antimicrobial Agents
What is antimicrobial pd,
What pk parameters can substitute ce,
Why are pk parameters used for an...
28  cards
FInal Exam: Equations
Concentration after infusion stop...,
13  cards

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