pharm exam 4 cancer; anemia; etc

This class was created by Brainscape user Alexis Thomas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

What does ferrous sulfate do to s...,
What does taking the liquid form ...,
What does taking ferrous sulfate ...
4  cards
drug therapy that supports hematopoiesis
How do you check for the therapeu...,
When taking epoetin alfa what sho...
2  cards
epoetin alfa
Epogin procrit is the brand name ...,
Epoetin alfa has significant effe...,
Epoetin alfa has what type of gro...
6  cards
breast cancer
The principal treatments listed b...
1  cards
cytotoxic anticancer drugs
Cytotoxic anticancer drugs are th...,
Cytotoxic anticancer drugs act di...,
What percentage of cytotoxic anti...
4  cards
cytotoxic drugs and breast cancer
Are cytotoxic drugs used before a...,
What does the drug doxorubicin do...,
An anthracycline type anticancera...
7  cards
oprelvekin (interleukin -11 )
Neumega is the brand name for wha...,
Oprelvekin interleukin 11 has wha...,
Oprelvekin interleukin 11 has ___...
5  cards
drug therapy for cancer
How is the effectiveness of oprel...,
What drug is an immunosuppressive...,
What should you give with methotr...
13  cards
Many anticancer drugs are toxic t...,
Bone marrow hair follicles gi epi...
2  cards
hormonal agents
Hormonal agents are primarily use...,
Hormonal agents mimic or block th...,
How many major groups of hormonal...
7  cards
preserving bone integrity
The drugs bisphosphonates and den...,
Zoledronate zometa pamidronate ar...
2  cards
What is the adverse effect of zid...,
What should you avoid alcohol whe...,
Why should you teach a patient wi...
4  cards
overview of drugs for thromboembolic disorders
Anticoagulants antiplatelets and ...,
What do antiplatelets do to plate...,
Thrombolytics promote lysis of fi...
3  cards
What do antiplatelets prevent pla...,
What should you assess for in a p...,
You should not give someone antip...
8  cards
aspirin (ASA)
What drug is used for the followi...,
What are the adverse effects of a...,
Enteric coated aspirin tablets ma...
4  cards
clopidogrel (plavix)
What does the drug clopidogrel pl...,
What events does the drug clopido...,
The drug clopidogrel plavix preve...
7  cards
Anticoagulants reduce the formati...,
Anticoagulants inhibit synthesis ...,
What do anticoagulants prevent
3  cards
heparin and heparin derivatives
What does heparin enhance,
Lungs of cattle and intestines of...,
Heparin is what type of anticoagu...
13  cards
low molecular weight heparins
Heparin preparations composed of ...,
What is the protocol for checking...,
Low molecular weight heparins are...
10  cards
warfarin; an oral anticoagulant
Warfarin is an ________ anticoagu...,
Warfarin is used for ____ use,
Warfarin is an oral anticoagulant...
17  cards
direct thrombin inhibitors
Dabigatrin and argatroban are dru...,
Dabigatran doesn t require monito...,
Are there little risk of adverse ...
11  cards
Alteplase is what type of drug,
What does the drug alteplase do,
What drug is used to treat myocar...
7  cards
minimizing the risk of bleeding
What should you minimize to minim...,
What types of injections should y...,
What types of procedures should b...
6  cards
chapter review questions
A patient is receiving an intrave...,
Which patient does the nurse iden...,
Ferrous sulfateatropine sulfatepr...
4  cards

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pharm exam 4 cancer; anemia; etc

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