This class was created by Brainscape user Jordan Cyr. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

What is the classic look of hives,
True or false hives is only aller...,
What are the allergic causes of h...
29  cards
Drug Allergies
What are examples of rashes induc...,
What is the most common form of d...,
What is another word for measles ...
34  cards
Which hcps are the most involved ...,
What is psoriasis,
What are the most common spots fo...
44  cards
Shingles and Pityriasis
Who is susceptible to shingles,
What are the differences between ...,
What are the symptoms of shingles
32  cards
Foot Care
What are calluses,
What causes calluses,
What can be done to treat calluse...
69  cards
Dental Health
What is the association between t...,
What are the possible causes of t...,
What is bruxism
93  cards
Differentiate between internal an...,
What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids,
Which type of hemorrhoids can thr...
47  cards
OTC Analgesics
What is the equivalent dose to 10...,
What do you mean when we say morp...,
What is the max dosing of otc nsaids
99  cards
Back Pain
What are some of the likely cause...,
Where is sciatica pain usually mo...,
How does osteoporosis contribute ...
68  cards
What is the biggest question we w...,
If decide to go the route of givi...,
How do we control the risk of her...
112  cards
True or false the poor quality of...,
Describe the physiology of the gut,
What is the gastrocolic reflex
116  cards
What of adverse drug effects does...,
Roughly how many drugs are implic...,
Which antibiotics are the main cu...
82  cards
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
True or false in the doctors offi...,
What is the old term for ibs,
What percentage of people in the ...
52  cards
Nausea and Vomiting
What can stimulate the vomiting c...,
Roughly how many conditions prese...,
What are some common causes of na...
34  cards
Describe the cornea,
Describe the sclera,
Describe the conjunctiva
105  cards
What is the name for the entire e...,
What is the name of the small pro...,
What happens to earwax as you age
48  cards
Testing Devices
True or false pharmacists commonl...,
What are the home drug test kits ...,
What is the price of glucose moni...
24  cards
Home Health Care
What is sleep apnea,
What are symptoms of sleep apnea,
True or false everyone who has sl...
57  cards

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