This class was created by Brainscape user Alessia Pietrantonio. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

1. Introduction
Define toxicology,
Define xenobiotic,
What s the difference between a t...
23  cards
2. Toxicokinetics/dynamics
Describe the development of toxic...,
What is toxicokinetics,
What are the major routes of toxi...
51  cards
3. Assessment of Exposure
What is risk,
What is hazard,
What are the relationships betwee...
51  cards
4. In Vivo Toxicity Testing
What are the different tests for ...,
What part of toxicity testing is ...,
What are the organizations involv...
44  cards
5. 3R's and In Vitro Toxicology
What is in vivo toxicology,
How is toxicity evaluated in in v...,
What are some key challenges of i...
44  cards
6. Epidemiological Toxicology
What are the different methods us...,
What is epidemiology,
What is environmental epidemiology
37  cards
7. NAMs & Omics Revolution
What are the classic measures of ...,
What are the new approach methodo...,
What is the tiered protocol for t...
43  cards
8. Risk Assessment
What is risk,
What is risk assessment,
What is risk management
43  cards
9. Genetic Basis
What is genetic toxicology,
What are the different branches o...,
What can cause dna damage
46  cards
10. Carcinogens and Targets
What is cancer what are the 2 dif...,
What is a carcinogen what are the...,
What is an example of a natural c...
64  cards
11. Toxic Responses of Blood
What is hematotoxicology,
What are the different types of h...,
What are the consequences of hema...
70  cards
12. Immunotoxicology
What is the main function of eosi...,
What is the main function of neut...,
What is the main function of baso...
71  cards
L13. Toxic Response of Liver
What are the major functions of t...,
What is a consequence of the impa...,
Explain the blood flow to and fro...
54  cards
L14. Skin, Eye, & Household Hazards
Why is skin an important organ to...,
Why do we have skin,
What are some examples of physiol...
50  cards
L15. Neurotoxicology
How neurotoxicants first discovered,
What is hemlock what are its othe...,
How can the toxins in living orga...
65  cards
L16. Air Pollution
What are 2 of the big leading ris...,
Where 2 factors cause disability ...,
Where is death due to outdoor air...
65  cards
L17. Cardiotoxicity
How are we exposed to cardiotoxins,
What are the pros and cons of tak...,
What are the different subgroups ...
49  cards
L18. Endocrine Toxicology
What does endocrine mean,
What re the different endocrine s...,
What is the master gland of the e...
53  cards
L19. Renal Toxicity
Why is the kidney vulnerable to t...,
What are the functions of the kidney,
How can blood flow to the kidney ...
55  cards
L20. Reproductive Toxicology
What are the steps of the reprodu...,
What are the different testing ph...,
Explain the key points in female ...
52  cards
L21. Environment & Occupational Toxicology
What are the different ecozones i...,
What is environmental chemodynamics,
What are the major factors that i...
53  cards

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