This class was created by Brainscape user Arsh Rand. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Kidney Disorders
What are the main functions of th...,
What are the excretory functions ...,
What are the components of renal ...
269  cards
What are lobules,
What is the hepatic duct,
What does the blood flow to the l...
186  cards
What is osteoporosis,
How many patients need treatment ...,
What is a fragility fracture
121  cards
What is the general anatomy of th...,
What is the function of the thyroid,
What is the most significant diff...
83  cards
Pain Management
What is pain,
What is the prevalence of chronic...,
What are some common concurrent m...
176  cards
What are some simplified pathophy...,
What is a migraine aura,
What are some migraine triggers
48  cards
Rheumatoid Arthritis
What is rheumatoid arthritis,
What is the progression in joint ...,
What can trigger rheumatoid arthr...
129  cards
What is the causing factor for gout,
What is the pathophysiology of gout,
Is uric acid rapidly renally excr...
89  cards
GI Conditions
What is dyspepsia,
What is gerd,
What is peptic ulcer disease
121  cards
Inflammatory Bowel Conditions
What are the two main inflammator...,
Describe inflammatory bowel disease,
What are the characteristics of u...
67  cards
What tissues does meningitis effect,
What is the mortality rate associ...,
What are the two types of meningitis
74  cards
C. difficile
What is the main symptom associat...,
What are some signs of a c diffic...,
What are the clinical manifestati...
32  cards
What is endocarditis,
What patient groups are more like...,
Review slides 5 and 6 for illustr...
78  cards
What is the most common type of a...,
What is osteoarthritis,
What is the peak age of onset for...
73  cards
How many people globally have tub...,
What section of the canadian popu...,
What age group forms the largest ...
8  cards

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phar 255

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PHAR 255 Exam 2
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