This class was created by Brainscape user Emmanuel Balogun. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Categories of medicines
Define a pharmacist and 3 roles t...,
Give 3 other roles of pharmacists,
Give 1 member of the wider pharma...
17  cards
Descibe the main types of communi...,
What types of accuate information...
14  cards
Aches and Pains
Outline analgesics and their prop...,
Outline the 3 properites of analg...,
Outline the most popular analgesic
34  cards
Coughs, colds and flu
Outline what a cold is,
Outline what is a cough,
Outline what causes a blocked nosse
21  cards
Indigestion and heartburn
# **,
Outline signs and symptoms of ind...,
Outline what heartburn is
24  cards
Bowel disorders
Outline constipation as a bowel d...,
Outline what causes constipation,
Outline signs and symptoms of con...
36  cards
Skin and scalp
Outline dry skin as skin,
Outline what causes dry skin,
Outline internal factors of dry skin
30  cards
Summer Health
Outline bites and stings as summe...,
Outline signs and symptoms of an ...,
Outline what to do in presence of...
21  cards
Ears and eyes
Outline the role of the ear,
Outline hardened ear wax as an ea...,
Outline what causes hardened ear wax
42  cards
Foot care and oral health
Outline verrucae as foot care,
Outline what causes verrucae,
Outline signs and symptoms of ver...
45  cards
Woman's health and Contraception
Outline dysmenorrhea as woman s h...,
Outline whaty causes dysmenorrhea,
Outline signs and symptoms of dys...
38  cards
Baby care
Outline immunisations as baby care,
Outline when immunisations are ta...,
Outline what fever is as part of ...
36  cards
Nutrition and Weight Management
Outline nhs healthy living guidan...,
Outline physical activity guideli...
22  cards
Healthy Lifestyles
Outline smoking cessation as part...,
Outline more points of smoking ce...,
Outline effects of second hand smoke
25  cards
Different Types of Prescriptions
What is a prescription,
Who is an appropiate prescriber i...,
What is a health prescription
21  cards
Prescription Charges
Outline what is a prescription ch...,
How much is a prescription charge...,
Why are prescription charges cont...
16  cards
Medicines Storage
Outline why the storage of medici...,
Outline extremes of temperature,
Outline 3 more points of extermes...
19  cards
First aid
Outline primary assessment first ...,
Outline d and r of dr abc,
Outline a of dr abc
25  cards
Record Keeping in Pharmacy
Outlline a responsible pharmacist...,
Outline the responsible pharmacis...,
Outline absence of any responsibl...
17  cards
Lifelong Learning - Professional Reqeuirements
Outline lifelong learning profess...,
Outline why registration renewal ...,
What is cpd
8  cards

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phar 1054

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