This class was created by Brainscape user Aimee Forde. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Name the 4 parts of the urinary s...,
Where do bacteria enter through,
Which bacteria causes uti
46  cards
How long should babies be breastf...,
List reasons why people do not br...,
Give advice for breastfeeding
24  cards
What is the difference between an...,
How are sti s transmitted from on...,
How do organisms pass from person...
30  cards
Define ehc,
List 2 indications for ec,
What day of the cycle is the firs...
36  cards
Gender health
What is a transgender person,
What is a cisgender person,
What is a non binary person
10  cards
UTI/STI Microbiology
What is the bacteria which causes...,
What effect does ngonorrhoea,
What is grasp
8  cards
What is peri menopause,
What is menopause,
What is post menopause
26  cards
Diabetes Pathophysiology
What two glands are found in the ...,
What type of tissue is the digest...,
What does the digestive gland do
18  cards
Diabetes in Practice
Define diabetes,
What is the difference between ty...,
What lifestyle advice can be give...
26  cards
Drugs in Pregnancy
What pregnancy chances occur,
What are teratogens,
What to consider when prescribing...
32  cards
What is a radiopharmaceutical,
What is the physical half life,
What is the biological half life
4  cards
Diabetes Therapies
What to aim for when treating typ...,
Why is oral hyperglycaemic therap...,
How much atp from one molecule of...
24  cards
What are the two main classes of hc,
What is the moa of chc s,
When cervical mucus is increased ...
40  cards
Men's health
What do men tend to use higher ra...,
What are the luts,
What is the most common cause of ...
20  cards

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