personality and mental health

This class was created by Brainscape user Orladh Dunne. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Intro to personality and bio approaches
Define personality,
Another term for personality,
Name the approaches to personality
31  cards
Personality research and person vs. situation interactions
Cross sectional study,
Longitudinal study,
Experimental studies
13  cards
Psychoanalytic and humanistic approaches
Name 4 psychoanalysts,
What was freud influenced by,
What did freud conclude from his ...
40  cards
critiquing psychoanalytic and humanistic approaches
Three general critiques of humani...,
3 general critiques of psychodyna...,
What did freud get wrong
15  cards
Behavioural, social, cognitive, approaches to personality
What does the behavioural approac...,
What is observational learning an...,
What did bandura s bobo doll stud...
36  cards
Critiquing behavioural, social, and cognitive approaches
Strengths of behavioural approach,
Criticisms of behavioural approaches,
Strengths of cognitive approach
12  cards
Trait theories of personality and measurement
What is the trait approach,
Define trait,
What does the trait approach focu...
32  cards
Critiquing trait theories of personality
What factor does the hexaco model...,
What are issues with the lexical ...,
Who was a major opponent of the l...
17  cards
Personality measurement
What is a self report inventories,
What is the mmpi,
What is the mbti
24  cards
Critiquing personality measurements
Strengths of projective tests,
Limitations of projective tests,
Strengths of self report inventories
12  cards
Intro to clinical psychology
What is abnormal behaviour,
General issues in studying abnorm...,
What is stigma
22  cards
key issues in clinical psychology
What is korsakoff s syndrome,
Issues with physical diagnosis of...,
Typical problems with using the dsm
15  cards
Depression and bipolar disorder
What can features of depression n...,
What does depression reflect acco...,
What can increase risks of depres...
26  cards
Animal models
Advantages for using animals in r...,
What is the welfare board for ani...,
Types of animals typically used i...
16  cards
Anxiety disorders and mental health
Define fear,
Define anxiety,
Why do physical responses occur i...
27  cards
What does schizophrenia typically...,
What does schizophrenia diagnosis...,
What are positive symptoms
42  cards
Personality disorders
What is a personality disorder,
How do general personality disord...,
21  cards
Drug therapies vs psychotherapies
What is glutamate glu,
What is gaba,
What brain areas does anxiety cau...
26  cards

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personality and mental health

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