This class was created by Brainscape user Will Retz. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Chapter 5 - Inborn Errors
How do x linked dominant disorder...,
Which classic inheritance pattern...,
Describe the inheritance of angel...
95  cards
Chapter 1 - Health Supervision
What are the six purposes of the ...,
How long after birth do we contin...,
What are rules of thumb for expec...
53  cards
Chapter 2 - Development and Behavior
Development of a child may be inf...,
True or false attainment of a par...,
Give two ways in which a delay or...
85  cards
Chapter 3 - Adolescent
Describe the timing hormonal regu...,
How long does puberty last and wh...,
Define adrenarche how is this dif...
84  cards
Chapter 4 - Neonatology
What are apgar scores,
How are apgar scores calculated,
What is vernix caseosa
77  cards
Chapter 9 - Pulm
Why are infants at higher risk fo...,
What happens to pulmonary vascula...,
What is suggested by the followin...
39  cards
Chapter 8 - Cardio
What is congestive heart failure,
What three compensatory mechanism...,
What are the clinical features of...
45  cards
Chapter 15 - Allergy & Immunology
What are the presenting signs of ...,
Allergic rhinitis,
What are allergic shiners dennies...
28  cards
Chapter 14 - Oncology
What are the most common childhoo...,
What are the typical presenting s...,
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia all
37  cards
Chapter 20 - Emergency Med
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What is shock
90  cards
Chapter 12 - Neurology
What is the difference between hy...,
What is the difference between ce...,
What history and physical exam fi...
61  cards
Chapter 18 - Ophtho
What are the four parts of vision...,
Describe visual acuity at birth a...,
List six disorders that would pre...
35  cards
Chapter 6 - Endocrine
What is considered short stature ...,
How is mid parental heigh calculated,
Name two pharmaceuticals that can...
79  cards
Chapter 7 - ID
Which organisms are most likely t...,
What is fever of unknown origin,
Bacterial meningitis
51  cards
Chapter 10 - GI
Which vitamins are fat soluble,
How does vitamin a deficiency pre...,
How does vitamin e deficiency pre...
60  cards
Chapter 11 - Renal
How are an individuals maintenanc...,
What is the maintenance sodium an...,
In what two ways do we classify d...
64  cards
Chapter 13 - Hematology
Describe qualitative and quantita...,
What is a normal reticulocyte cou...,
What are five diseases that resul...
64  cards
Chapter 16 - Rheumatology
Henoch schonlein purpura,
Kawasaki disease,
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
19  cards
Chapter 17 - Ortho
Erbs palsy,
Klumkes palsy,
How should brachial plexus injuri...
51  cards
Chapter 19 - Derm
What term is used to describe a l...,
What is the difference between a ...,
How are most fungal skin infectio...
45  cards

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pediatrics brs

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