This class was created by Brainscape user Charlie Burgess. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

1.1 - Skeletal and muscular systems
What type of joint is the ankle j...,
Describe the wrist joint include ...,
Describe the elbow joint include ...
14  cards
1.2a - The CV system
Define heart rate,
Define stroke volume,
Define cardiac output
23  cards
1.2b - The Respiratory system
Describe the short term effects o...,
Outline how oxygen is transported...,
Describe the process of oxygen di...
21  cards
1.3 - Energy for exercise
Explain the principle of a couple...,
What is the fuel used for atp pc,
General details of the atp pc system
35  cards
1.4 - Environmental effects on the body systems
Describe the effects of high alti...,
Explain what is meant by the term...,
Explain the process of thermoregu...
4  cards
2.1 - Diet, Nutrition and ergogenic aids
Function of carbohydrates with a ...,
Function of fats with a percentag...,
Function of protein with a percen...
32  cards
2.2 - Aerobic Capacity
Define aerobic capacity,
Define vo2 max,
State 4 factors that affect a per...
22  cards
2.3 - Periodisation
What is periodisation,
What are the aims of periodisation,
Name the periodisation cycles
7  cards
2.4 - Strength
Define strength,
4 types of strength,
Define strength endurance with an...
15  cards
2.5 - Flexibility
Definition of flexibility,
Define static flexibility,
Define dynamic flexibility
23  cards
2.6 - Sports injuries
Define acute injuries,
Define chronic injuries,
Define intrinsic risk factors wit...
5  cards
2.7 - Impact of training on lifestyle diseases
1  cards
3- Biomechanics
How topspin in tennis causes the ...,
One benefit of using topspin in t...,
How does the speed of release and...
35  cards
20 markers
0  cards

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pe- mr mcdarby

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