This class was created by Brainscape user Kathryn Cannaday. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Drugs for Parkinsons
What enzyme converts tyrosine to ...,
What enzyme converts l dopa to do...,
What are the major dopamine da pa...
25  cards
Pharmacology of Anitpsychotics
Define psychosis,
What are the signs symptoms of ps...,
What are the diagnosis requiremen...
30  cards
Drugs for Spasticity
Describe spasticity,
What is the tone if resistance is...,
What is the tone if resistance is...
9  cards
Pharmacology of Calcium Channel Blockers
Describe the role of calcium ca2 ...,
Describe the role of calcium ca2 ...,
33  cards
Pharmacology of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors
Describe the important components...,
What is the effect of at1 recepto...,
What is the effect of at1 recepto...
26  cards
Pharmacology of Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs)
What drug is a direct renin inhib...,
What is the moa of angiotensin re...,
What are the effects of at1 recep...
21  cards
Antipsychotics- Gulsevin
What is psychosis,
What are the positive symptoms of...,
What are the negative symptoms of...
36  cards
Pharmacology of Fibrinolytics
What is the moa of fibrinolytic a...,
What is the undesired effect of f...,
What drugs are recombinant t pas
23  cards
Pharmacology of Inotropes
Explain phase 0 of myocardial cel...,
Explain phase 2 of myocardial cel...,
What effects the force of contrac...
19  cards
Describe the sa av node action po...,
What characteristics of phase 4 o...,
What are the proposed mechanisms ...
71  cards
Pharmacology of Antiseizure Drugs
What drugs are gaba receptor agon...,
What drugs inhibit gaba reuptake,
What drugs target gaba metabolism
28  cards
Pharmacology of Hypnotics
What is insomnia,
What are the types of insomia,
What neurochemicals are involved ...
34  cards
Drugs for Anxiety
What is the moa of barbiturates,
2  cards

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