pca ordination: pca history

This class was created by Brainscape user Caleb Odell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (5)

Briefly trace the history of Presbyterianism in the USA
Include in your answer Francis Makemie, the first American Presbytery, the formation of the first synod, the Adopting Act, the Old Side/New Side division, the first General Assembly, the Plan of Union, the Old School/New School division, and the division and reunion of the Northern and Southern branches of the Presbyterian Church
10  cards
Briefly outline some of the distinctives of the Southern Presbyterian tradition
Identify in your answer James Henley Thornwell, Robert Lewis Dabney, Benjamin Morgan Palmer, and John L Giradeau
4  cards
Discuss the controversy between modernism and fundamentalism
Be sure to identify and explain the significance of the Auburn Affirmation (who signed it? why? when?), the five fundamentals, Harry Emerson Fosdick, and J. Gresham Machen
5  cards
Trace the historical roots of the RPCES (Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod
From which major branch of Presbyterianism did the RPCES comes? Why is the RPCES important to PCA history? Identify and explain the significance of the Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions, J. Oliver Buswell, Robert Rayburn, Francis Schaeffer, and Carl McIntire.
8  cards
Trace the history of the formation of the PCA
When, where, and why did the PCA begin? From what major branch of Presbyterianism did early members of the PCA come? Identify and explain the significance of the Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship, Concerned Presbyterians, the Presbyterian Journal, Morton H. Smith, W. Jack Williamson, Ken Keyes, and G. Aiken Taylor.
15  cards

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pca ordination: pca history

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