This class was created by Brainscape user Ferdi Le. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

When does authorization happen,
2 possible results of authorization,
What is iso 8583
37  cards
Clearing & Settlement
If a transaction is in pending it...,
Clearing can be seen as the daily...,
Does clearing lead to an exchange...
12  cards
Why is interchange the highest of...,
Factors influencing interchange rate,
Interchange rates in the eu
20  cards
Chargeback definition,
Where does the word come from,
Common reasons for chargebacks
12  cards
Card Networks
Schemes function high level,
Open card networks,
Responsibilities of open card net...
17  cards
Pin Debit Networks
Dual message systems,
Dual message cancel the authoriza...,
Dual message auth adjust
17  cards
Banks serve three primary functions,
Issuers take on the inherent risk of,
8  cards
Payment Facilitator
Payment aggregator process,
Payment aggregator benefits,
Payment aggregator risk strategy
27  cards
Issuer & Acquirer Processor
The issuer processor needs to be ...,
An issuer processor will either,
Reason why there is a processor
5  cards
Payment Methods
6 major payment method families,
Direct debit lastschrift,
Name of direct debit rail in the us
27  cards
3d secure flow,
Benefit of 3d secure,
Liability shift with 3d secure 1
16  cards
Overview And Jargon Buster
Payment scheme,
Card acceptance,
Merchant s psp
12  cards
Card Payments Data
Level 1,
Level 2,
Level 3
33  cards
Card Payments Authentication
Card present authentication,
Card not present authentication,
3d secure
8  cards
Pci dss,
Acquirer responsibility,
7  cards
Recurring Transactions - Tokenization
Recurring definition,
Recurring transactions are also k...,
What is a card on file transaction
5  cards
Liability Shift
Definition liability shift,
Conditions for liability shift
2  cards
Bank Payment Systems
14  cards

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