This class was created by Brainscape user Wahibah Rahman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Reproductive System
Function of male reproductive organs,
What does the male reproductive s...,
What is the structure of testis
40  cards
Muskoskeletal System
20  cards
Peripheral Nervous System
Axoaxonic synapse,
Axodendritic synapse,
Axosomatic synapse
5  cards
Explain neurons and structure,
Spinal cord function,
What is part of brain stem
17  cards
Renal System
Function of kidney,
Structure of kidney,
Function of kidney
27  cards
Gastrointestal And Digestive System
Function of gi tract,
What are the 2 patterns of gastro...,
Explain peristaltic contractions
18  cards
Blood And Lymphatic System
Functions of blood,
Erythrocytes function,
Leukocytes function
12  cards
Autonomic System
What is the function of ans,
Sympathetic nervous system,
Parasympathetic nervous system
20  cards
Homeostasis definition,
What happens when body temperatur...,
What happens when body temp is to...
10  cards
Cardiovascular System
What are 3 layers in the heart,
Explain the blood flow in the heart,
What are the 2 types of heart cel...
15  cards
Respiratory System
Functions of respiratory system,
What are the 2 parts of respirato...,
Function of conducting zone
20  cards
Protein Structure
What are the main classes of prot...,
What does central dogma of molecu...,
Main classes of amino acids
21  cards
Describe menstrual cycle on impor...,
Describe major functions of each ...,
Explain synaptic transmission
3  cards
Synaptic Transmision And Action Potentials
0  cards
Endocrine System
What is endocrine system,
Name three major endocrine glands...,
Describe the pathway of insulin r...
9  cards

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