This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Bellantoni. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Principles of Soft Tissue Differential Diagnosis
What patient factors contribute t...,
What should you do for white lesions,
White lesions are mostly _____ le...
23  cards
Diseases of Salivary Glands
What are the major salivary glands,
What are the minor salivary glands,
What glands make up the parotid g...
71  cards
Common Oral Diseases Part I
What are tori and exostoses,
What are the types of tori and ex...,
Are palatal tori or mandibular to...
88  cards
Skin and Mucosal Diseases I
What is ectodermal dysplasia and ...,
What are the clinical features of...,
What is the tx for exctodermal dy...
48  cards
Skin and Mucosal Diseases II
Describe lichen planus,
What are the clinical features of...,
What are the clinical features of...
43  cards
Principles of Radiographic differential Diagnosis
What do you consider when develop...,
How does the process of diff dx work,
What are the patient factors that...
11  cards
Dental Anomalies I
Ameloblasts are extremely sensiti...,
Enamel defect may be caused by,
Enamel remodeling does not occur ...
55  cards
Dental Anomalies II
What is gemination,
What are the clinical and radiogr...,
What is fusion
36  cards
Cysts and Odontogenic Tumors Part 1
What is a cyst,
What are the 3 components to a cyst,
What are the developmental non od...
19  cards
Cysts and Odontogenic Tumors Part 2
Where is the globulomaxillary pos...,
Is there a developmental fissural...,
A developmental globulomaxillary ...
37  cards
Cysts and Odontogenic Tumors Part 3
What are the soft tissue cysts,
What is another name for the nasl...,
Describe the nasolabial cyst the ...
47  cards
Cysts and Odontogenic Tumors Part 4
What is the predeliction and recu...,
What is the radiographic presenta...,
Describe the calcifying epithelia...
21  cards
Diseases of Bone - Intro
What occurs in bone remodeling,
2  cards
Diseases of Bone - Systemic Diseases
Describe gardner syndrome,
What are the other names for oste...,
Describe osteogenesis imperfects
28  cards
Diseases of Bone- Anomalies
What is another name for the hema...,
Describe the hematopoietic bone m...,
What is the histology for the hem...
14  cards
Diseases of Bone - pseudocysts
What is another name for the pseu...,
How does the pseudocyst of the ma...,
What are the other names for the ...
11  cards
Diseases of Bone - BFOL
Describe the benign fibro osseous...,
What are the 3 benign fibro osseo...,
What are the 3 types of osseous d...
25  cards
Diseases of Bone- Giant Cell Lesions and LCH
Describe cherubism,
What is the clinical presentation...,
What is the radiographic appearan...
22  cards
Diseases of Bone- Malignancies
Metastatic carcinoma is the most ...,
Multiple myeloma is the most comm...,
Osteosarcoma is the most common m...
31  cards

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pathology ii

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